Saturday, April 29, 2006

Dogbert's Barge City Metaphor 1

itunes: Madonna, Confessions On A Dance Floor (2005)

Hmmm, does the Barge City remind me of a city? does Dogbert's iron paw reminds me of someone? does throwing dissidents to the sharks reminds me of some act by someone? And does the man in the last box resemble a certain group of people?

Singaporeans, dun be afraid to wake up!

I just love Dilbert.
Think again.

P.S. I know I’m not supposed to reproduce this comic strip because of intellectual property rights, but this comic is really classic and so true to what’s happening around me.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Itunes: 张惠妹,我要快乐?(2006)






有一点希望 有一点期待
有一点烦恼 有一点坚持
有一颗平常心 我想这就是我要的快乐了。

P.S. 从网上读到以下很有意思的一些话,与所有读到这则留言的人共勉之。

难得平常心 - 闻莺

以平常心观不平常事,则事事平常。平常心不是“看破红尘”,平常心不是消极遁世: 平常心是一种境界,平常心是积极人生,平常心是道。不以物喜,不以己忧;无时不乐,无时无忧。工作本极平常,敬业不衰,全力以赴,竭尽心智……



即使得了大奖,中了头彩,心潮也不怎么“澎湃”、鼓噪。凡到一点“性光”,现见些许景象,也不沾沾自喜,四处张扬。既使有大功能,得大“神通”,也不“飘飘欲仙”,以为“得道”,以力“成佛”。既令癌魔来袭,顽疾加身,也不怨天忧人,仍在顽强拼搏。特异功能,实不“特异”,批它何来?天下之大,无奇不有,掌握真理,包容宇宙,却惧怕几个小小异能?…… 滴水之恩,报以涌泉;施恩求报,是生意人。平常心是清静心,是光明心;平常心是爱国心、敬业心、正直心;平常心是超脱名利、不溺欲海……


Sunday, April 23, 2006

MM, U & Me 3

Itunes: Peter Cincotti, Self-Titled (2003)

Kor: Mr Lee, what good does it do for PAP to win all 84 seats? It will probably just increase the dissatisfaction on the part of the Singaporeans.
Lee: I think all I want to ask is whether you think the complete elimination of the opposition is really what you think is best for Singapore?
MM Lee: You will never completely eliminate the opposition.
Lee: Why not? It seems like you almost have done that!
MM Lee: You may eliminate them temporarily from Parliament. I eliminated or they eliminated themselves in 1965 when Barisan had 13 out of 51 seats and they said bogus Independence, fake – we leave. So we fielded in all the by-elections. And from 55 to 81, in three elections we swept the polls with opposition. (Background: The Barisan Socialis MPs, who held 13 out of 51 seats, boycotted the first parliamentary session after separation from Malaysia in August 1965, then resigned from Parliament in 1966, and refused to participate in the 1968 polls. This help the PAP make a clean sweep at the polls, a record it maintained right up until 1981.
Mabel: But is that the state that you really want Singapore politics to have…bearing in mind that your GRC systems results in walks-over. You have a young generation of people who really don’t care about politics. Or, they’re even fearful if they do get to vote. So is this the system that we really want?
MM Lee: Are you fearful to vote against the PAP?
Mabel: Perhaps, yes. Honestly – a little bit.
MM Lee: (Laughs) Why? Tell me why. What will happen to you? How will we know that you voted against us?
(Group laughs)
MM Lee: No, no – let’s pursue this “Because I’m afraid!”. You tell me you’ve gone through O levels, A levels, university, working in 93.8 Live and you’re afraid that if you vote against PAP, something will happen to you?
Lee: I think this is the impression that the PAP has created.
MM Lee: (Laugh) No, you’re spreading that impression.
Lee: No – you can ask every one of us here…
Pearl: Add to that effect that there isn’t a level playing field for the opposition in terms of upgrading.
MM Lee: There is no level playing field of any government helping opposition to win votes.
Lee: I think going back to the point when you say how will the PAP know who we voted for? What SM said just yesterday about the area at Realty Park – 60 per cent – if more than 60 per cent of them vote for the PAP, they will get the upgrading. So how does the PAP know it’s 60 per cent? So how can the residents not be fearful?
MM Lee: We can guess from our campaigning and our house-to-house visits. But we won’t know who comprises that 60 per cent right?
Ken: You don’t need to know that to strike fear though.
MM Lee: Come off it. You mean to tell me – you’re one of the 40 per cent that voted against the PAP and something happens to you?
Ken: Well, I’ve never voted for that matter. But I mean, we talk to 100 voters in the course of our work and it seems – no comment or if I vote against the PAP, I may…
MM Lee: Let’s get down. What are the 100 of voters? You name the 100 of voters – a few of them. Tell me.
Ken: Well I mean, I can’t name them by name but…
MM Lee: No, no. You tell me who you’ve spoken to and they say we’re afraid to vote against the PAP.
Ken: Well, a few weeks ago, The Strait Times did a report. We polled 100 voters…
MM Lee: No, no, never mind The Strait Times poll. You made a statement just now, look, I started life as a cross-examiner right? You made a statement just now that “I spoke to 100 people and they’re all afraid”. I say name them, tell me who.
Ken: Why should I name them on national television?
MM Lee: No. Therefore you tell me – it’s not “I spoke to them – The Strait Times carried the poll”. And you carried out the poll?
Ken: I was one of the reporters who…
MM Lee: Did you carry out the poll?
Ken: Yes I did.
MM Lee: How did you carry out the poll?
Ken: We went out and we asked 100 voters what they thought.
MM Lee: How many voters did you ask?
Ken: well, we have to get more than 100…
MM Lee: No, how many voters did you ask?
Ken: About 120.
MM Lee: You yourself personally?
Ken: I spoke to about 40.
MM Lee: You spoke to 40. And did they tell you, you noted down, grievances?
Ken: Ya. I do have most of their names – ya. Some of them didn’t want to identify themselves.
MM Lee: What did they tell you?
Ken: Well they said, well we ask them, you know – who do you think will win? We are not asking what your vote is but, you know, who you think will win in this coming election. And some of them say: “Oh it’s hard to say.” Some of them say: “Oh I think Low Thia Khiang still has enough to hang on.” And some just say: “Oh I better not say otherwise…”
MM Lee: So when you say some of the 40 – “I better not say” – you assume that they’re scared to tell you?
Me: Fine, I have to admit that it may not be advisable for Ken to come into such conclusion without a representative poll on this point. Neverthless, he answered very well to all MM's questionings. Frankly speaking, I do share the same sentiments with the journalists even though we may not have the figures to support this ‘myth’. Read the lines in blue, as much as MM does not agree with the statement made by Ken, such words do create fear. Why does MM ask for the names? Is MM taking further actions? These are the questions that will intimidate these 100 people. Or based on these few lines, MM has proven to us that this fear really exists? Nevertheless, is it really necessary to ask for the names? Or is it necessary to question how the poll is done? On the contrary, would it be better for MM to soften his tone, clarifies and reassures all the voters that such ‘myth’ is non-existence in a more approachable manner? I believe one who dignifies himself as a politician, who listen and serve the community, perhaps should be sensitive enough to clear the air instead.

MM, U & Me 2

Itunes: Tosca, Suzuki (2000)

Joanne: So when will you think of stepping back, retiring and not contesting another election?
MM Lee: The moment I’m no longer of use to the Government and to the constituents that I serve. But let me put it like this. The store of knowledge – I’m not being immodest – but the store of knowledge I have, the experiences I’ve been through – through the Japanese Occupation, my learning experience in Britain four years immediately after the war, the problems we faced here. There’s a databank here that I think a young minister will take some time to equal. Supposing I can – like a computer – put it into a thumb drive and then they can access it, then I say, all right, call it quits.
Kor: Many say, because you are still in politics, there’s always the perception that you are pulling the strings from behind. What do you have to say? What not just quash the rumours once and for all, and step out of politics?
MM Lee: Would you like me to step out of politics?
Kor: No, I mean I’m just conveying the message.
MM Lee: No, I’m asking you a simple question: Would you like me to step out of politics?
Kor: I feel that you could still contribute outside of politics. Why not stay as an MP and not as the MM? And still contribute to the ward?
MM Lee: Let me answer that question. There are things which I can do as a minister in government which I believe – and the Prime Minister knows it, and the Senior Minister and I think the Cabinet ministers also know – no other person can do. It’s as simple as that.
Me: Indeed, good question: why not just step back and retire? Of cos I would agree that Mr Lee is experienced and knowledgeable but in terms of things which he said he can do as a minister in government which no other person can do sounds arrogant to me. Today we faced a completely different world setup and sentiments, does Mr Lee’s past experiences still fully applicable in this modern world? Perhaps it maybe more practical to step down and yet still serve as a consultant to the younger leaders. I believe if Mr Lee has achieved of what he is today without mentor guidance, should not our young ministers be put into such a path to become mature politicians? Also another small point, is Mr Lee’s reaction a bit personal and defensive with Kor’s question? Kor’s question may or may not represent his stand as he is merely conveying what we would like to know.

MM, U & Me 1

Itunes: Tosca, Dehli9 (2003)

I was reading The Strait Times on 13 April 2006, reporting on the TV forum on Dialogue with MM Lee (Minister Mentor Lee KY) with people from the post-65 generations, mainly journalists from the media. I have extracted some of the dialogue concerned and added some of my thoughts on it. I’m very glad that the questions poised by the journalists happen to be the ones which I have in mind as well. In addition, I would have to thank them for putting forward these ‘taboo’ questions on national TV. Hopefully, this would encourage more fellow Singaporeans to step forward to raise and discuss issues of our current affairs openly.

For those who missed the programme, you can watch it at this link:

Some of the names involved:
Lee – Lee Ching Wern, Today reporter
Ken – Ken Kwek, ST journalist
Hong – Hong Xinyi, ST journalist
Joanne – Joanne Leow, MediaCorp News, reporter
Kor – Kor Kian Beng, New Paper reporter
Mabel – Mabel Lee, MediaCorp Radio journalist
Pearl – Pearl Maria Forss, MediaCorp News journalist
Me – That’s me!

Lee: What if the PAP misgoverns, how are we going to counter that?
MM Lee: Let me put it quite simply this way…If you reflect the mood on the ground, there must be at least 30, 40 per cent, maybe 45 per cent right, who want a strong opposition to check the PAP. Suppose you had capable people with a track record, people who have done 10 to 15 years as business leaders, doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, whatever, computer programmers, they get together, you think they cannot win. It’s a different proposition, is it?
Me: Durai has been in NKF 10 to 15 years and the members of the Board of Directors are professionals too. It is the lack of corporate governance that leads to this infamous NKF incident. Exponentially, there are possibilities that misgovern can happen on a larger scale, even big MNC has annual external audits. So it is the same proposition. I’m not saying that the government misgoverns but still it’s good to have the countercheck in place.

Lee: I think the PAP has very little to be insecure about. It’s got the quality candidates. It’s got a great track record, and every Singaporean can see for themselves what the PAP has done. So is it really necessary to impose restrictions on political blogging and podcasts?
MM Lee: Political blogging and podcasts, why do we stop it? We think that elections should be something you package. You are selling the candidate as a product.
Lee: Isn’t that what PAP is doing too?
MM Lee: No.
Ken: Why don’t you let voters decide?
MM Lee: A podcast is not a face-to-face conference. If you were writing an article, today we would not have this exchange. You write the wrong piece, and I write the letter to the press. But because we are face to face, I pointed out to you that what you made, your first statement, you spoke to about 100 people, I can’t get you by, you know. It was a misrepresentation of the facts. Then you said I interviewed 40, then I said how many were afraid, none.
Ken: Then why can’t you use the same forum to rebut them? Why can’t you let someone blog, then why can’t you blog back, and let voters decide then.
Lee: I think the reason why they are doing this is because they don’t have any other platform.
Me: Well, Is not the same as in the rest of the media platform like newspapers, televisions and radio stations? They are not a face-to-face conference either. One party will tell the media his part of the story, the media publishes the story. The other party will tell the media the other side of the story, the media also publishes it. Even if there is any misrepresentation, clarification can be made via the same way. Therefore, I still do not see the reasons of restricting blogs and podcasts. If MM prefers a face-to-face conference, then I would suggest an open live telecast on national TV, an open debate between PAP and the oppositions. Or perhaps the seldom-use (defunct?) Speakers’ Corner can be use as a platform for open debate? I’m sure that will be beneficial to all voters. Lastly, the question is good: why not let voters decide? I was disappointed that MM did not answer this question.

Hong: To put it another way, maybe, bearing in mind the unlevel playing field, bearing in mind the numerous walkovers, all the restrictions regarding podcasts etc, how does the PAP win – when it happens – signal a strong mandate for the party?
MM Lee: The very fact that we are mandate. Why have they not challenged me for the last three elections? I am old, I am not as active as before, but I am still fairly effective, and my ground knows that I am effective, Why do they even know that? Because they see me, they see their lives improved. I have got an organization on the ground that makes sure that they are attended (to). I make sure that I have got people looking after them. So my not being challenged, three successive elections, is not because I have no mandate, (it’s) because nobody believes they are likely to win.
Hong: It’s not just…
MM Lee: No no, let me finish it. So I am taking in this time, three new candidates. One of them would be a potential minister. I would welcome a contest. But if there is no contest, let me tell you, he would turn out to be another Khaw Boon Wan. In 4.5 years he will prove himself. When Khaw Boon Wan goes to Sembawang, everybody knows he can deliver.
Me: Hmmm, I believe Hong is not only referring to MM’s constituency, but to all walk-over constituencies in Singapore. Hong is right; walkover does not signal a strong mandate for PAP. No one knows the feeling of the citizens in these constituencies unless they have been given a chance to vote. In fact, every eligible citizen should be given a chance to vote in General Election, in the eyes of democracy. Therefore, should all GRCs be broken up instead? I guess this is quite debatable. Subsequently, MM went on to talk about new candidates, is he out of point? It seems to me that he did not answer this question directly as I do not see the link with mandate.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ennis and Jack

itunes: Mary J Blige, The Breakthrough (2005)

Still on Brokeback Mountain
My favourite scenes :
1) I do not know how to discuss on this scene, read the dialogue below and you will know why.

Ennis: I'm gonna tell you this one time, Jack fuckin' Twist, an' I ain't foolin'. What I don't know all them things I don't know - could get you killed if I come to know them. I mean it.
Jack: Yeah well try this one, and I'll say it just once!
Ennis: Go ahead!
Jack: Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all we got, boy, fuckin' all. So I hope you know that, even if you don't never know the rest! You count the damn few times we have been together in nearly twenty years and you measure the short fucking leash you keep me on - and then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get. You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you... I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year! You are too much for me Ennis, you sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.
Ennis: [crying] Well, why don't you? Why don't you just let me be? It's because of you that I'm like this! I ain't got nothing... I ain't nowhere... Get the fuck off me! I can't stand being like this no more, Jack.

2) When Ennis visited Jack's parents after Jack's death, requesting for his ashes to be spread over Brokeback Mountain (Jack's last wish). The moment Ennis came down from Jack's bedroom, Jack's mum instanteously get hold a paper bag for Ennis to keep 'his long lost shirt' that Jack has 'stolen' from him the first time they departed from Brokeback. And she even asked Ennis to visit them again. This shows a mum's acceptance of who the son was, out of the love for him. Unfortunately, not from Jack's dad, who did not make a stand of his viewpoint until the moment Ennis stepped out of their house. Jack's father commented that they have their own plot of family burial land and he does not think the necessity of spreading Jack's ashes over Brokeback. Nevertheless, this reminds me of Ang Lee's earlier works "The Wedding Banquet".

3) The final scene, which moved me to tears. Ennis was buttoning up 'the shirt that Jack stole from him' which was hung on the cupboard door and a postcard of Brokeback was pinned at its side. His eyes teared and he muttered...."Jack, I swear....” This may sound old fashioned, but the bottom-line is that one ought to be courageous in searching one's happiness and most importantly, treasure what you have in hand before they slip away like sand.

My favourite quotes:
Joe: You boys sure found a way to make the time pass up there. Twist, you guys wasn't gettin' paid to leave the dogs babysittin' the sheep while you stem the rose.

Jack: Tell you what. The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.
Ennis: If you can't fix it, you gotta stand it.

Ennis: I figure we got a one-shot deal going on here. Jack: It's nobody's business but ours. Ennis: You know I ain't queer. Jack: Neither am I.

Ennis: Bottom line is... we're around each other an'... this thing, it grabs hold of us again... at the wrong place... at the wrong time... and we're dead.

[L.D. Newsome goes to turn the television back on]
Jack: You sit down, you old son of a bitch!
[L.D. stops in his tracks]
Jack: This is my house! This is my child! And you are my guest! So sit the hell down or I'll knock your ignorant ass into next week!

For more quotes,

Brokeback Mountain

itunes: Bjork, The Music From Matthew Barney's Drawing Restraint 9 (2005)

YL called from a Virgin Megastore in New York and said that Brokeback Mountain DVD has been released, selling at US$19.99. And I asked him to bring one back for me. Later, we realised that Amazon is offering the DVD at US$16.99. So I ordered it from Amazon and have it delivered to YL's hotel instead. Hehe

I would vote Brokeback Mountain as absolutely the best in 2006 despite it missed the Best Picture from conservative Academy. It has been haunting me ever since I watched it.

Ang Lee said that everyone has his/her own Brokeback Mountain in heart. Or rather, in everyone, there is always someone that you love most but can never end up together. Just like the Brokeback Mountain, it's there but no one can ever own or have it to himself. To me, this is the inspiration of this movie.

Ang Lee has shown us his view of a gay relationship. He did not 'intend' it to be a gay movie unlike most of the gay films which advocates beautiful boys and their stereotype glamorous party lifestyle. Gay relationship can be so normal and down to earth. Gay people live and fall in love; there is nothing queer or abnormal and it’s just like any other heterosexual relationships. Indeed, Ang Lee put forward a more realistic approach, focusing on the social and emotional effects have on gay relationships, in the conservative 60s America. Nevertheless, this is quite true even in this era that we are living in as well. In Singapore, with the media propagating only the promiscuousness and high life of gay people, it’s hard to have the mass to change this misrepresented perception and their discrimination after all.

The love between Ennis and Jack was intense and real. Ang Lee has created it in a subtle, understated manner, with no outpouring of passion in stormy nights, no vanity, no flirtation or meaningless skin-deep attraction (all these particularly obvious in most gay movies). The connection was developed in such a slow plateau manner that causes this intensity to grow into powerful shots of emotions charging at me, strong enough to suffocate me repeatedly, leaving me breathless throughout the show. And the amazing thing is what Ang Lee has done to make this possible is just merely through two cowboys in the span of time (through the harsh changing seasons and weather) of herding sheep together in the beautiful wild.

The thunderstorm night scene....
Jack asked Ennis to stay on instead of going back to the sheep. Ennis reckoned if he does not go back, the sheep will wonder off during the storm. Indeed, at the height of passion (which is the storm) it leads one (the sheep as well as the 2 cowboys) to go lost and astray. The subsequent scene (which is the next morning when the storm is over) we see them having to sort out the sheep from the other cowboy's herd clearly predicts that the love affair between these two men can be so entangled and binding that it's hard to draw a clear line in between anymore. What a good implicit comparison…

Heath Ledger put up a very good performance in the sense that he brings out the torment in Ennis, a cautious lover who was torn in between subduing to the 'forbidden' love and having to accustom to the social pressure has on him. On the other hand, Jack was the daring lover who was willing to risk it all to pursue this forbidden love he yearned for. Isn't this the reality of gays in the conservative Asian society? We see on the streets some who like to flaunt and project a distinctive gay look (or rather I would say a stereotype gay image, fashionably good, particularly in tight tees) and of cos we may not even able to tell some who are gay and yet dress and look like anyone else walking on the street.

Personally I feel watching this movie is a great experience to appreciate the beauty of finding a true soul mate in life, despite of the fact nothing is permanent. As long as one has the courage to secure the essence of love and treasures it, any obstacles (be it gender boundaries or social pressures) will just automatically disintegrate. In addition, the 'quiet' tone and setting that movie was made, send chills to one as it reflects adequately the loneliness and helplessness of being gay (in terms of life, love and social aspects) even though ironically gay means happy.

It has been haunting me ever since I watched it. Absolutely the best in 2006 despite it missed the Best Picture from Academy.

Hail to Ang Lee.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


itunes: 伍思凯, 心动了(1995)

这两天我都在整理所有的中文CDs,也顺便下载到电脑itunes 里头。


接近一股勇气成形的时候 往往内心却脆弱
完成一个选择决定的时候 往往心中恐惧最多
我心中有两个我 常常都在争斗 游走在现实和理想的两头

我和坚强握手 我又和矛盾碰头 因为有梦就在前头
想要追逐天际的彩虹 又怕希望终究会落空

我和从前分手 我又和冒险碰头 因为地球不停转动


Tuesday, April 11, 2006


itunes: 陈绮贞,华丽的冒险 (2005)




哗啦啦啦啦 下起雨了。


Thank you letter from DBS

Act of honesty

itunes: 雷光夏, 我是雷光夏 (1999)

Last Tuesday morning rush hour, I was in the queue at the DBS atm in Raffles Place MRT. The man in front of me, rushed off without taking the S$40 cash from the machine. At first I did not notice the cash was not taken, and started to wonder why the machine still screaming away after the last transaction ended. I turned around to search for the man, and hopefully he will be back to get them. Nevertheless, he did not appear even after I finished my transactions at the machine.

Well, I'm not meant to be a saint and it's really normal for human being to have dark thoughts at times haha. Moreover, I got a 'C' for professional ethics during my university and dun even talk about the moral education I received during my good old primary school days. I was at the junction, where I can simply take the escalator down to the train and go home straight or I can take the escalator up to the nearest DBS branch which is 5mins walk away. This is when I heard the first voice from my dark angel, he said, "Hey, S$40 is not a big sum of money, why dun we just keep it? That man has a price to pay for his blur actions and this is definitely a cheap lesson for him. Also don't forget that your knees hurts big time now after running on the treadmil at the gym eariler. It's not worthy to walk there at all." Hmmm true and fair enough. Then another voice appeared, needless to say, it's must be from the white angel. "Hey, we better gather more good karma since you are currently looking for a job, it helps." Wah, this is very true, I better take this option and the dark angel vanished. Hehe While I was at the bank, I saw my 4th uncle came rushing in. I related to him what had happened and he praised me for being honest. Wah, add points already and my body started to lift slightly above the ground. HAHA

Indeed, I went home happy and contented. With a thank you letter from DBS received 3 days later, it's definitely makes my days better at home (for a while only, of cos unless I win S$1.5million of lottery, that should keep me happy for a year or more maybe). But there is one burning question remains: Does this good karma helps me in securing a job? I have no job offer since then. Sigh...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Dilbert's pointed hairdo boss Part 3

We came back to Singapore office after the trip and the CEO wanted us to tell him what we had done in Vietnam because he felt that we may be doing things of non-value adding given that the forecast was late. I was not in the meeting and after he met up the CEO. He came and told me that the CEO was very disappointed with me because I was late in my reporting. I should had priortised my work and should not have spend time determining the correct budget versions. And he had the cheek to tell me that he did not know what i was doing in Vietnam. This was so wrong, I was newbie to the company and I knew nuts about anything. He was the one who instructed me to do everything in Vietnam and now the blame came to me? At that moment, I know that I had to quit. I did not even bother to argue with him.

I resigned the next morning and he kept asking me for the reasons. I just told him simply that I'm not suitable for the job. Then he asked me if it was because of what he said yesterday. I admitted that those words were affecting me badly. This was when he clarified that I got everything wrong. The CEO commented that because he was not aware of what's going on in Vietnam but he understood after ASH explained everything to him. Well too bad, i told him that he did not say this at all yesterday. And it was unfair to me that they judged me this way and I'm just 1 week into the job. He argued that he did not judge my work but rather that I'm late for the reportings. I refused to argue with him further and told him that my decision was final. This was when he told me that he can swear to god that he did defend me in front of the CEO. HAHAHA I dun care what God you swear to but it's just too late boy. You think I trust you now? Go and die.

During the exit meeting with the HR manager, she asked me to reconsider and gave him a chance. I told her that it was not up to me to give him chance cos I'm not his boss. I told her everything including those petty GST incidents and I commented that this person was trying very hard to impress his bosses. The HR manager laughed and agreed that I should be more understanding because he was new and only 1 month into the job. I asked her if he tried to impress his bosses, then who was I going to impress? It's not fair cos I'm only 1 week into the job and such things happened. I can foresee it will happen more next time. I need a superior who can stand by me, if I had done the right thing and not push the blame to me whenever things happened. How can he switched and agreed with the boss even when he knew of the actual happenings? I told her that I need a smarter boss who can guide and not some stupid assholes like this one. The HR then commented that if I leave now, it will reflect badly on me because it seems that no one else in Finance was having problems with him. I told her I expected that and that's why I'm willing to share these with her only. But after the meeting, I decided that I should leave some mines behind HAHHA....I started to blurt out the stories (including his stupidity) to whoever came and asked me why I was leaving. Hehehe not only the whole Finance team knew, the HR department as well. HHAHAAHA I ignored him completely until the end of the day (1 day notice as agreed by both parties). I have attached the MSN conversation with one of the accountants after I left. Apparently some directors from US head office came to Singapore and ASH is obliged to bring them out for dinner.

Dxxx says: last nite d dinner's atmosphere is very tense.
Dxxx says: Seldom talk.
Dxxx says: tis dinner hv a budget of $245. so boss order a set meal for 5-6pax @ $218
Dxxx says: sure not enough
music-nazi says: tense as in wat? how come such a strange budget?
Dxxx says: but he dun care. the 1st dish was scallop with bamboo shroom with grean peas. he keep talking in mandarin to ask us to take all the "ex ones" before the visitors.
Dxxx says: he makes us very kiasu.
Dxxx says: its the same 4 d subsequent dishes.
Dxxx says: in the end the bill shoot up to $300 something becos of all the svc chrgs & 2 jars of beer.
Dxxx says: after sending the visitors back to hotel, he told us -"the visitors keep drinking the beer and only eat the expensive ones like prawns, crabs & scallops, they r jus country pumpkins in the states"
Dxxx says: He says "I dun care whether they r full or nt, anyway budget nt enough to cover. They come here expecting us to buy them lunches & dinners."
Dxxx says: Initially boss wanted to bring 'em to Jumbo (a cheaper rest) As they drove along the east coast, the visitors saw Long Beach and ask boss to try it. So he obey.

Guess what? I overheard him talking to the Vietnam General Manager that he wrote an email to the States head office offering if he had the privileges to pick them up from the airport. They replied and said that they will be reaching Singapore at 12am. I heard from Dxxx that he did go the airport and picked them up. He told me that there were 3 classes of people, the upper class are the Westerners and we, Singaporean belonged to the middle class and people in Vietnam and China belong to the lowest class. This is so wrong! He really scooped so low. Shameless.

Anyway, to describe how he looked like. He was the kind of person that always put on a smiling sheepish face and many black light bulbs above his head. Absolutely agreeable to everyone because he want to be nice guy. However, he can be scheming enough to protect himself and had teeth sugary enough to get him out of any situation.
This is how he looks like: Suneo, a character from comic Doraemon.
But why comic Dilbert's pointed hairdo boss? Well, both of them share the same trait, inborn stupidity, no cure HAHAHA

Dilbert's pointed hairdo boss Part 2

While we were at the Ho Chih Minh City airport coming home, he was boasting about his flying experience and he told me that we must pay for airport tax before checking in. I told him that we can check in first and pay later. Nevertheless, he asked me to queue for the check-in and he will go and pay for airport tax first. Guess what? he came back buying only his portion!!!! And he had the cheek to tell me now he had shown me how to get all these things done, so the next time when we go Suzhou airport (the company has a Suzhou plant in China) i will know what to do and do everything for him. I was so mad and told him there wasn't any airport in Suzhou and we have to fly to Shanghai. Well, he did not believe me at all. Well looks like he really have to go Suzhou personally to know that there is no airport there. Bloody hell, if I dun even serve my Finance Director of my ex-company this way, he thought he will have these privileges? Bring his fat hopes to hell. The plane was late because of the route is such that it flew from Hanoi, via Ho Chih Minh then to Singapore. I explained this to him that it was late because there maybe held up in Hanoi and again he did not believe me. He noticed that the plane is not even at the aerobridge and he believed that such a route was impossible because the airline would not want to waste time stopping and refuelling at Ho Chih Minh. Oh gosh, is he a country pumpkin or wat? The earth already had planes which can fly non-stop for 21 hours. Anyway I dun even want to waste my breath explaining this to him. Then I told him we are taking Vietnam Air not big airlines like Singapore Airlines or Cathay Pacific, the pathetic airport had only 2 aerobridges which serve the bigger airlines. We had to take bus to the plane. Well he chose not to believe me. He kept complaining to me like a bee buzzing. I ignored him totally and continue my reading.

While we were in Vietnam plant, he said that I should be looking into internal controls. And I immediately raised a point that I observed during plant tour. It seems that staff can come in and out freely of the main store and this was definitely a control issue. He said that THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM AT ALL. I stared at him with astonishment. He explained that he noticed that whoever came into the plant, the guards will make it a point to check if the person is our workers. I continued to stare at him with astonishment. He shameless continued and said that in addition to that, he had not been able to observe if the guard checks the workers' bag whenever they stepped out of the plant. Trust me, I felt like stabbing myself at the spot. I was thinking, if i stationed a security guard by the lift and stairs on the groundfloor of my flat, does it mean that I dun have to lock my house???

My first day of work, ASH asked me to work on a revised budget on Vietnam plant. Of cos in order to work on the revised budget, I need to know the original budget. Trust me, they have a total of 10 versions and no one in the Finance department can tell me which was the one that had been approved by US. I kicked up a big fuss and eventually ASH suggested to use the 10th version and I can verify with the Vietnam Finance Manager once we were there. Unfortunately, when I flew to Vietnam, the General Manager and Finance Manager gave me their own versions and insisted that their version was the correct one. So, by then I had 12 different versions to decide which one to use. Well, thank god, ASH decided to stay on with the 10th version and the saga is over. On the next day, there was a request from US asking for the Q3 and Q4 projections for Vietnam and I only had 24 hours to work on it. So i asked the ASH which one should I use again. He said that I can simply pick some numbers from the 10th version, if not from the 5 years forecast he had done. He demanded that I had to split the Q3 and Q4 forecast by months and this suppose to be easy. Trust me, this is one of wonders of the world, the so called budgets and 5 years forecast that this company had, the numbers are done by years. How am I going to do Q3 and Q4 forecast by month when I only have yearly numbers?Divide by 12 and multiply by 3 or divide by 4 instead? HAHAHA Furthermore, I was new to the company that I know nuts about the operation, how am I going to do the projection. I simply dun understand why he was not asking the local Finance Manager to do it. Before I can start working on it, he suggested that I should re-work the fixed asset register of the plant in a different format (from the original) because he did not trust the local Finance Manager's work and he wanted a correct depreciation numbers for the forecast. I told him point blank that I do not have enough time to finish the projections as re-work on the register was a massive excerise. Well, too bad, he insisted and so I just did it. By 2pm, he came to me and asked me if I had finished. Frustrated, I told him i can never finish. This was when he told me that he DOES NOT REQUIRE the register anymore and wanted me to start working on the projections instead. Bad news, he told me that the CEO in Singapore will leave the office at 5pm and he wanted to see the numbers before he left the office. I asked him how am I going to finish in 3 hours' time? He said just dump numbers into it but he wanted me to produce supporting calculations to substantiate my numbers dumping. Hello, think about this, how can one able to produce supportings when the numbers were plucking from the thin air? I ignored him and finished at 8pm. He gave me a black face and said that the longer i drag my work, the lesser he has time to review. He did not even look at my numbers and he sent to the CEO. HAHAHAHA deep inside my heart, I was planning a revenge. On the way back to hotel, he asked me if I'm sleeping early that night and I asked why. He said that he may need me to answer some questions should the CEO asked after seeing the numbers. True enough I anticipated of this move so earlier on, I decided while packing my things up, I purposely not taking my work files with me back to hotel. HAHAHA well it felt so nice to see him upset after I broke the sad news to him. I waited his call until 11pm and I slept. The next morning, he was saying happily that the CEO was very happy with the numbers. The numbers were done by me, not him and he claimed the credit. Fucker!

Dilbert's pointed hairdo boss Part 1

itunes: 玉置浩二, 今日というこの日を生きていこう (2005)

Yes, this is the reason why I started this blog.
Yes, I'm sitting at home, without a job for nearly two months now.

I quitted on my new job after a week plus and I knew I'm not acting on impulse. Simply, I just cant make myself to work for this kind of person. I shall him ASH (asshole) for simplity and for the fact that he is as useless as ASH.

ASH and I flew to Ho Chih Minh City, Vietnam on my second day of work to have a more understanding on the Vietnam plant operation. We had a meeting with the tax agent from KPMG and the topic of VAT comes into the discussion. ASH confidently said that Singapore GST (or VAT) is at 3% and I was in a shock of my life, he is a Financial Controller of an US MNC and he does not know how much is Singapore GST??!!! To make things worse, the local Vietnamese guy commented that when he was on a vacation in Singapore couple of years ago and it was already at 4%. Gosh, I was so embarrassed and I make sure that everyone in the meeting knew that Singapore GST is at 5%. To reassure that I'm not biased against him, the moment i step into my house from the airport, I asked my mum if she knows. She can tell me it's 5%. This is really soooo shameful of him.

We also went to see an officer from the UOB Vietnam and realised that he was a Singaporean too. He commented that Singapore used to be the No.1 investor in Vietnam but recently has slipped to No.2 position. Guess what 'smart' reply from ASH? He asked the bank officer, if Singapore is the No.1 investor in Vietnam, how come he did not see that there are many Singapore companies in Vietnam? Gosh, I really want to dig a hole and hide in there. Come on, No.1 investor referred to the amount of investments, not by the number of companies presence. The bank officer was stunned and replied diplomatically by saying that Singapore companies usually invested in areas like properties and not in manufacturing, that's the reason why he did not see many Singapore manufacturing plants in Vietnam. Again, to make things worse, this 'smart' ASH asked the officer why our Vietnam subsidiary chose UOB as the banker instead of DBS since DBS is our banker in Singapore. He continued by saying he knew very well that DBS had no presence in Vietnam and DBS was opening the first branch in Vietnam soon. Isn't it obvious to conclude he is not brightest bulb in the room? Being diplomatic, the bank officer said that among all the Singapore banks, UOB was the only one that can be found in Ho Chih Minh City as the other Singapore bank OCBC's has a branch in Hanoi and DBS was not even in Vietnam yet. Argggghhhhhhhh.......

We visited HSBC Vietnam near lunch time and he raised a couple of concerns on the investment issue. The HSBC was helpful and they roped in a couple of staff to help in answering the questions and the meeting stretched over lunch time. When the meeting is coming to near end, he turned and asked me if I have any question for HSBC and I raised 1 big question on the issue and HSBC staff were going in and out of the meeting room to find answers. Guess what he did? He closed the meeting abruptly and of cos HSBC staff is happy. I find it a bit strange of why he did that. Fortunately, I found out the answer later. He was telling me that his stomach is rumbling with hunger during the meeting, so he decided to end the meeting fast so that we can go for lunch. I was so angry that I told him off by saying since we have meeting near lunch time, he should have taken a heavier breakfast. This is utterly unprofessional of him. Tsk tsk.

Worst of all, during lunch, he told me that he will groom me to be a manager. HAHAHA Groom me? This is the first time that I heard words that made me feel like puking and that meal is going to be the No.1 worst meal of my life. Perhaps he should go and learn to be a little brighter before coming to groom me. What if my intelligence went down to his brain level? No thanks, really.



天上的星星 为何 像人群一般的拥挤呢
地上的人们 为何 又像星星一样的疏远



Well, here it is: My first blog

itunes: Bebel Gilberto, Tanto Tempo (2000)

As much as I have been reading my friends and many strangers' blogs all these while, I never have the intention to start one for myself, given many blah blah blah reasons (collectively, the word "lazy"). However, with a 'misfortune' that fell onto me nearly two months ago, which triggered my endless bitching about it, and a suggestion from a good old friend CL that I should blog to pour out my grievances and at the same time openly bitch about that asshole to the whole wide virtual world.

Being a good natured docile guy, this may sound a sour and not-so-nice start for me here. Hehe but life is a bitch, right? I'm just living up to it, haha. Well, here it is: My first blog.
Read on...