Sunday, April 23, 2006

MM, U & Me 2

Itunes: Tosca, Suzuki (2000)

Joanne: So when will you think of stepping back, retiring and not contesting another election?
MM Lee: The moment I’m no longer of use to the Government and to the constituents that I serve. But let me put it like this. The store of knowledge – I’m not being immodest – but the store of knowledge I have, the experiences I’ve been through – through the Japanese Occupation, my learning experience in Britain four years immediately after the war, the problems we faced here. There’s a databank here that I think a young minister will take some time to equal. Supposing I can – like a computer – put it into a thumb drive and then they can access it, then I say, all right, call it quits.
Kor: Many say, because you are still in politics, there’s always the perception that you are pulling the strings from behind. What do you have to say? What not just quash the rumours once and for all, and step out of politics?
MM Lee: Would you like me to step out of politics?
Kor: No, I mean I’m just conveying the message.
MM Lee: No, I’m asking you a simple question: Would you like me to step out of politics?
Kor: I feel that you could still contribute outside of politics. Why not stay as an MP and not as the MM? And still contribute to the ward?
MM Lee: Let me answer that question. There are things which I can do as a minister in government which I believe – and the Prime Minister knows it, and the Senior Minister and I think the Cabinet ministers also know – no other person can do. It’s as simple as that.
Me: Indeed, good question: why not just step back and retire? Of cos I would agree that Mr Lee is experienced and knowledgeable but in terms of things which he said he can do as a minister in government which no other person can do sounds arrogant to me. Today we faced a completely different world setup and sentiments, does Mr Lee’s past experiences still fully applicable in this modern world? Perhaps it maybe more practical to step down and yet still serve as a consultant to the younger leaders. I believe if Mr Lee has achieved of what he is today without mentor guidance, should not our young ministers be put into such a path to become mature politicians? Also another small point, is Mr Lee’s reaction a bit personal and defensive with Kor’s question? Kor’s question may or may not represent his stand as he is merely conveying what we would like to know.


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