Saturday, June 24, 2006

信じていて欲しい あなたのことを 今井美树

itunes:今井美樹, Piece Of My Wish(1991)

今井美树 (Imai Miki),一位我非常喜欢的日本歌手。她干净、溫柔、婉约的歌声唱出了都会女子的心声。无论何时,听她的歌都是一种享受,没有负担,更不需要在乎流行、也不需要太刻意。她的音乐总是有一种清风吹拂过的轻松感觉,溫暖着听者的心,仿佛是在告诉你:即使遇到了挫折,无力的时候,不用担心,让我们以微笑去面对,一切都可以解决,一切都会美好的。

Piece Of My Wish是我至今都非常喜爱今井美树经典的好歌,也是当年日本公信榜 (Oricon) 的冠军歌曲。这么多年来,一直反复的听着,每一次都会给我一丝丝的安慰。虽然谈不上让我想起过往,但Miki 的声音就仿佛是一位老朋友,不管晴天雨天,不时鼓励着我。这就是我听这首歌的温馨情怀。

在此与大家分享我听歌的喜悦,希望你也有一首歌能陪你度过重复又循环的岁月。This is a piece of my wish for you…..

standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player..." type="application/x-oleobject">

Piece Of My Wish
曲:上田知華 詞:岩里祐穗 編:佐藤準

朝が来るまで 泣き続けた夜も (哭泣到清晨來临的夜晚)
歩き出せる力に きっと出来る (一定能化为重新迈步向前的力量)
太陽はのぼり 心をつつむでしょう (升起太阳的光芒 暖暖拥抱我的心)
やがて 闇は必ず明けてゆくから (不久后 忧郁的阴霾一定也会出现曙光)

『どうして もっと自分に素直に生きれないの?』
そんな想い 問いかけながら (这样的疑问 我反复思索)
あきらめないで 全てが崩れそうになっても
(绝对不要放弃 即使一切都将要崩溃)
信じていて あなたのことを (也要相信你自己)

本当は 誰もが願いを叶えたいの (老实说 有谁不想要实现自己的愿望)
だけどうまくいかない時もあるわ (但有些時候却总是不能尽如人意)
希望のかけらを 手のひらに集めて
大きな喜びへと変えてゆこう (让它变成令人欣喜的欢愉)

『愛する人や 友達が 勇気づけてくれるよ』
(心愛的人和朋友 都會不断地給予我勇气)
そんな言葉 抱きしめながら (你们的话语 我心里一直拥抱着)
だけど 最後の答えは ひとりで見つけるのね
(最后的答案 还是得要一個人独自去寻找)
めぐり続く明日のために (只為了无穷无尽的明天)

雨に負けない気持ちを 炎もくぐりぬける
そんな強さ 持ち続けたい (一定要不断续地保持着这样的坚强)
それでもいつか 全てが崩れそうになっても
(但即使有一天 當一切真的都要崩潰)
信じていて あなたのことを (也要相信你自己)
信じていて欲しい あなたのことを (我希望你 相信着你自己)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My First TV Set

itunes: Maxwell, Now (2001)

Today is another cool and breezy day like yesterday, with thunderstorm in the morning rush hours. I feel better today after a good night rest. My throat and my left knee are getting better but my right knee still hurts for every step I take, let alone walking up the stairs. It seems that this injury is worse than I thought. Sigh, no gym and tennis this week, can only swim. I better wear a knee guard tomorrow. Anyway, the more comforting thing is finally I received a call for an interview on this coming Thursday. A good friend of mine JX once mentioned, the feeling of getting a call for interview is just like getting a call for a date. Yup, now I can really feel the excitement :OD

Having a blog full of words may be bored my readers (if any, haha). Since I do not have much to update apart from my sour and bitter feelings, I decided to add some pictures that I can find from my mobile phone today. Thanks for sharing the joy of my first TV with me HAHA......

Good night, and good luck!

Scolding In The Lift

itunes: Maxwell, MTV Unplugged (1997)

Gosh! Someone scolded our dear Prime Minister in the lift...
He got a GOOD 66.6% mandate in this election. You still not satisfied? HAHA

This person really no guts, find such a small enclosure to raise his anger, viewership so gung-ho and find a wall on a more busy open public space.

Just kidding....authorities, dun come after me, I just a passerby who happen to see this.....hehe

Monday, June 19, 2006

Blue Blue Monday

itunes: Jamie Cullum, Twentysomething (2003)

Today is a Monday.
There was a thunder storm in the morning rush hour. Thereafter, it’s cloudy for the rest of the day. I should be delighted enough to enjoy such a cool, breezy day. On the contrary, I was feeling extremely blue, more than the normal Monday blue and not in any mood for anything at all. In fact, I could not find a word that best describes it. A female colleague of mine suggested “listless” and I thought a combination of “listless” and “restless” would be the best.

My throat hurts terribly.
Thanks to the curry chicken bone that got stuck in my throat last Saturday dinner. The culprit piece may have been digested by my strong stomach acid by now. But the damage it caused to my delicate throat wall still lingers, probably badly infected by now. I took lots of fluid and lozenges throughout the day to soothe the pain, but looks like not much of an effect.

My knees hurt terribly too.
I guess I played too hard at the tennis yesterday morning. I was so high in the game that I have totally forgotten about my recovering knees. I really hate myself, how can I be so complacent? Damn it! Now I’m back to square one after spending some much efforts on strengthen my knees in the gym. Gosh! They wobble and painful that I simply can’t walk properly at all. Whenever I see flight of stairs, my heart sank, walking up is really a torture.

My heart sore as well.
How can it be there is always a drought period after I turn down a job offer? No calls for any job interviews at all. Am I really that useless? Should I just resign from this current job and sit at home instead? Will I be happier this way? Guess what have I been doing the whole of today? Billings to customers and data entries!! This is not a managerial duty. This is not the job scope that I was promised during the interview. Fuck! Ya ya ya I shall be professional since I'm paid to do the job and I should do them well. I know I know but things are just not right. Well, for money sake, I have to cling on to this boat before the next ship comes along......sad is not it? Life is short, why should I suffer for the sake of money and the worldly enjoyment? Sitting at home may have its advantages but the feeling it's like being ordain into monkhood. Retreat myself from the bustling world, practice calm and patience in job search, refrain from indulging in all pleasures. How can I give up buying CDs? How can I give up my sushi dinner? Life is such a big dilemma and a big frustration!

Whatever it is, I’m finally sitting back in my comfort zone now.
The warmth of Jamie Cullum’s music.
The warmth of mum’s cooking.
The warmth of Deep Heat applied on my knees.
The warmth of my favourite hot Japanese green tea.

Got to sleep soon. Tomorrow will be a better day.
Good night, and good luck!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

You Made Me Sick

itunes: 鬼束ちひろ, The Ultimate Collection (2004)

Sigh, I’m into the second month of my new ‘temporary’ job and pace has been increasing since then. Looks like I’m still coping the workload well, surviving my first month end closing and meet all the deadlines plus answering the queries from the head office in Paris. Given the fact that the recruit section in The Strait Times is getting thinner and thinner every Saturday, my hope of leaving for a better secure job diminished gradually as well. Jobs opportunities on the net are ‘recycled’, so it’s either a ploy by the job agencies to attract good resumes or must be a shitty job.

2 weeks ago, I had an interview with a US MNC in the healthcare industry at Science Park. Other than the distance, I guess the job is quite interesting enough to uplift my miserable feeling towards my current job as if there’s a ray of light from the sky shine down on me. I almost floated in the air when the HR called me 10 minutes after I left the office, asking me to rush down to Alexandra area to meet the VP of the division for a second interview. Things are so bright looking until I met up the VP. He was kind enough to let me know of his expectations on this role but it was SO different from what the FD said of her expectations in the first interview, from the format of PL statement, choice of accounting system, line of reporting, where the role should be based and even the job scope! To make things worse, the VP began to describe the nature of his business in which he somehow mentioned in the heart of the dense forest in Bintan Island in Indonesia, there sits a complex whereby primates are captured from the wild and breed there, ship to Singapore (with the assistance of the damn AVA, bypassed Singapore customs) and use them for testing of new drugs. He even joked that the complex is so deep within the vegetation that I would not be able to locate it.

Gosh, this strikes me real hard and reminds me instantly of a movie called The Island in which human beings are cloned and their organs are harvested for their identical sick masters for transplant. The VP also mentioned that they used to have a similar setup in US but because there are many animal rights activists protesting outside their compound everyday, they have no choice but to sell the setup away. Deep inside my heart, I was thinking, you bloody first world companies who uphold social and environment responsibilities openly in your own countries and yet move such disgusting function to the third world country where animal rights is disregarded totally. This is so evil!!

I was so disturbed for the next 2 days whenever I thought of this. This is real sick. Eventually, the job offer came, and I rejected it despite the fact the HR manager tried very hard to explain the discrepancies between the FD and VP and reassured me that they do not do as many primates testing here in Singapore (oh come on, do not do as many primates means still considered guilty). I told her since this job requires to perform costing on each laboratory test done, I do not wish to see the price of 1 monkey or orang utan in the list of material costs.

I may not be an animal rights activist but I have due respect for every living beings on this earth. This job definitely will bring me good money and good career prospects but to think of having these at the expense of those poor primates, I would rather hang on to this current shitty job.

Anyway, this leads me to one burning question: I believe most cosmetic companies conduct animal testing on the development of new products. How do we know, for those who advocate against animal testing on their products and yet in fact purchase the test results from the outsourced laboratory testing (like the one I went) which actually do the actual killing? If you know the answer, write to me please. Peace on earth....