Saturday, March 31, 2007

No Music No Life 03/2007

itunes: 椎名林檎×斎藤ネコ, 平成風俗 (2007)

Hmmm this month I'm overspent on CDs, budget busted. Since a HK friend of mine is coming for a vacation, I might as well get him to help to bring some over as Japanese CDs are cheaper in HK. Come to think of it, I have been 'shopping' quite extensively on the yahoo auction and ebay hehe. I spent nearly an hour in HMV Hereen browsing and sampling the new releases. Looks like there are a couple of them I might want to buy, but to prevent buying compulsively, I think I better have a priority want-list first. Seems the budget for April is going to bust, another friend is going Japan for a holiday this coming Wednesday. Yeah!! yeah!! More J-pop in Mar and Apr 07, banzai!! hehe....

The list of CDs that I have bought in March 2007:

Imogen Heap, Speak For Yourself (2005)
Heard of Frou Frou? She is the vocalist of this part-time project. Their one and only electronic album Detail is good, released in 2003. Anyway, her solo effect does have some electronic influence which fuses into the main alternaive pop/rock genre. It's a kind of album that will create an instant hit to the first time listeners. Glad that she was norminated as Best New Artist in 2007 Grammys but did not get it. Yeah the award went to Carrie Underwood instead.

Grover Washington Jr, Winelight (1980)
Needless to say more, this is one of the finest album of this R&B-influenced jazz artist. A must have!!

Cynthia M, Bistro Blue (2005)
I was at L'Occitane, heard the songs they played and this is how I came to know about this album. Amazing right? This is a French standards with Jazz flavour, inspired by the cafes of Paris in the 1920s, performed by this independent artist.

潘越雲, 相思已是不曾閒 (1985)
This is re-release of one of the greatest female vocalist in the Taiwanese Folk-era in 70/80s. I bought this album because of 1 song "浮生千山路", beautiful lyrics by a renounced poet, still mesmerising me after all these years.

陳綺貞, 快樂的夏天(男生版) (2006)
陳綺貞, 快樂的夏天(女生版) (2006)
This is the last single released by this indie Taiwanese female rocker in 2006. Limited edition, came in 2 different versions, for boys and for girls respectively. The single in each version are of different songs as well. Not found in Singapore so I get my HK friend to buy from HK. I'm so lucky, last piece for each. Guess I'm not going to open them at all, just for collection only.

ケミストリー, All The Best (2006)
I have been eyeing this CD of the Japanese R&B duo since its release. Double disc + a live DVD. I'm not really interested in the DVD and hence not willing to pay full price for it. Eventually I got it at 50% price from Yahoo Auction Singapore. Good deal!

早見優, Yu "Single A" Best Collection (1987)
Bought this over ebay for collection. One of the popular female cutie idols from the great Jpop idol-era in the 80s. Now she's an established TV presenter.

中森明菜, 歌姬 Best (2007)
Initially I have no intention of getting this CD at all cos I owned 歌姬1,2 & 3 albums, these CDs contain covers of old hits. However I bought this because it contains the remake of the famous beautiful "いい旅日立ち" originally by 山口百恵 in the late 70s.

竹内まりや, Request (1987)
竹内まりや, Viva Mariya! (1990)
Bought these 2 cds over yahoo auction HK. A female singer-songwriter who has written many hits for a couple of teens idols in the 80s, including 中森明菜. I like her folky and yet laidback music style, very soothing to the ears.

椎名林檎×斎藤ネコ, 平成風俗 (2007)
I decided to buy this after sampling it at HMV yesterday. The first album of this acclaimed alternative female rocker in 4 years. To my surprise, this album slightly moved away from her basic rock essence to a more broadway orchestral arrangement (working with conductor 斎藤ネコ), yet retaining her alternative base. Not to be missed!! I love it very much!!

Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.

itunes: Ed Harcourt, The Beautiful Lie (2006)

Oh yes, talking about moving on, I received an forwarded email from my leaving colleague which I find it meaningful. The nonchalance attitude of my boss towards the happenings in office has a direct influence of the employee behaviours. No more controls, no respect of rules and system, excerising of double standards, old staffs taking advantage of their seniority. Like Mark, that's what I got for the new company: prestigious group, good HR policies and benefits. I just hope that this is not the kind of boss that I'm heading for. Read below:


Every company faces the problem of people leaving the company for better pay or profile.

Early this year, Mark, a senior software designer, got an offer from a prestigious international firm to work in its India operations developing specialized software. He was thrilled by the offer.

He had heard a lot about the CEO. The salary was great. The company had all the right systems in place employee-friendly human resources (HR) policies, a spanking new office,and the very best technology, even a canteen that served superb food.

Twice Mark was sent abroad for training. "My learning curve is the sharpest it's ever been," he said soon after he joined.

Last week, less than eight months after he joined, Mark walked out of the job.

Why did this talented employee leave ? Mark quit for the same reason that drives many good people away.

The answer lies in one of the largest studies undertaken by the Gallup Organization. The study surveyed over a million employees and 80,000 managers and was published in a book called "First Break All The Rules". It came up with this surprising finding:

If you're losing good people, look to their immediate boss .Immediate boss is the reason people stay and thrive in an organization. And he 's the reason why people leave. When people leave they take knowledge,experience and contacts with them, straight to the competition.

"People leave managers not companies," write the authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman.

Mostly manager drives people away? HR experts say that of all the abuses, employees find humiliation the most intolerable. The first time, an employee may not leave,but a thought has been planted. The second time, that thought gets strengthened. The third time, he looks for another job.

When people cannot retort openly in anger, they do so by passive aggression. By digging their heels in and slowing down. By doing only what they are told to do and no more. By omitting to give the boss crucial information. Dev says: "If you work for a jerk, you basically want to get him into trouble. You don't have your heart and soul in the job."

Different managers can stress out employees in different ways - by being too controlling, too suspicious,too pushy, too critical, but they forget that workers are not fixed assets, they are free agents. When this goes on too long, an employee will quit - often over a trivial issue.

Talented men leave. Dead wood doesn't.

D-Day Aftermath - Warm Gentle Wave

itunes: Cocco, ベスト+裏ベスト+未発表曲集 (2001)

My FD finally left for Hong Kong yesterday. I suppose his trip this time has been good for him, most of the big issues have been solved and finalised. I feel contented and glad too, at least for now the accounts are spick and span, thereafter, with proper controls and good practice in place, there will not be any more problems. Yeah, really a good time for me to move on now.

After lunch we had a brief meeting with the girls, my FD explained the current situation and the new plans for the new setup so they know what to expect in the next coming months. Technically speaking, all will be status-quo until end of the year. By 1st Jan 2008, everyone will be part of the new setup (which is the subsidary of the new parent company). Knowing that the girls are too shy and reserved to ask him any questions, I raised a couple of questions that they might concern and my FD took pains to answer in details, particularly the salary revision part. The good thing about my FD is he is extremely opened about anything and he is not offended by any sensitive questions at all. The girls were happy after meeting but there is still a big question left unanswered, that's why my resignation status.

Should I leave or just stay on, since everything is in good shape now? I see the sincerity of my 3 bosses in asking me to stay, i see the warmth and good working relationship between me and my girls. I was so determined at the beginning but after these 2 days, I started to have second thoughts about moving on. Well, that's suppose to the good points of staying put. But the uncertainty that lies ahead, as much to my bosses' promises and new plans, I still do not have much faith about it, particularly what will happen after 1 Jan 2008. Till now, they are unable to have anything concrete. One of my girls asked a very good question during the meeting, she wondered if they will still report me after 1 Jan 2008, my FD said not sure cos I may be doing something else. This in fact coincide with my biggest concern, why arent they getting an replacement if I'm really gone? Does it mean that my position is of high risk because the new setup will not have rooms of 2 finance heads after the merger is completed? I do not see the point of asking this question cos even my suspicion is true, I'm sure my bosses will give me a political correct answer. Well, the other thing is I dun really like the shipping industry. It's messy cos the way of containers move is indefinitive, thus no matter how good the controls are, should anyone make an error, the finance will have a hard time rectifying it. I'm not saying that the rest of the industries are not messy but the fact that most of the industries have quite a standard way of processes, even when there are errors, it's still easy to trace and solve once you understand the processes well.

My new job offer not only the stability, better pay and benefits, what attracts me most is the ERP system, SAP. I never had a big name under my belt in the resume, this hugh healthcare group will definitely make my resume looks brighter. Most importantly, there's room for my career development, which I'm willing to accept an assistant Finance manager position. Comparably, my existing company do not have such a career path, because the French still would want their own people as the management team. My thought is such that, by taking a small step back now and there's a bigger chance of a leap in the future, so it's still worth taking the small sacrifice now. All I need is to prove myself that's I'm a valued employee of the organisation, right?

I should move on....moving on to greater things in life, even though there are still good things that left behind, but I'm optimistic about what lies ahead.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

D-Day Aftermath - Tsunami Wave

itunes: 張懸, My Life Will... (2006)

My boss asked me how my decision was this morning. I told him frankly that I have decided to move on. He smiled and went on, blah blah blah, the same old stories he said on Monday and last Friday (see my 2 previous blogs). But this time, he mentioned 1 thing that was not said before: he needs time to look for replacement. This is as opposed to what he has been telling me that he is not getting any at all. I maintained my stand and said that this is an opportunity that I would not want to give it a miss. This new job will give me a regional exposure. I'm surprised that he can remember what he promised me during the interview a year ago. Well, now he still have the cheek and shamelessly make this same empty promise to me once again. Yeah, the exciting future and expansion plans for my role in the soon-to-merge new company and he can request my FD to involve me in regional responsibilities. You bloody liar!! So now I know that your earlier promise of regional role is a lie????!!! Can I presume that you have not made that request to my FD since the first day I joined? Before I forget, my FD was in the same interview session as us, does this make him a liar accomplice too????!!!

Oh gosh, he went on again, blah blah blah, the same old problems and stand he faced (see my 2 previous blogs too). But hey, he is back to the old reason again, now he reckoned he is not getting any replacement at all. BIG CONTRADICTION here. Deep in my heart I was wondering, by next month when I'm gone, you will still have to get someone to take over my job, if not how is the company going to operate without a finance guy????!!! I just kept quiet as he went on and on and on....eventually he stopped, smiled and suggested to me that I should take some more time to reconsider my decision. I looked into his eyes and said firmly a flat NO. He stirred a bit and his face changed but he maintained his cool and simply said coldly perhaps we should wait for my FD when he arrived tomorrow.

Sigh! Will it make a difference anymore? My decision is final. No point discussing anymore. As much as I want to wrap up and hand over my work amicably, I have a feeling that they are not going to let me go so easily. Perhaps they may start to threaten again or played some little political games, well I dunno....Nevertheless, I'm prepared for worst and by the end of my notice service, I shall be out of this bloody company and see no more of their nonsense.

By the way, before the end of the day, I heard a rumour indirectly from the biggest loudspeaker in the office. My boss is going to take legal action against me. HAHA what a joke! On what grounds can he sue me when I'm acting as per contract??!!! Yeah I shall cross my arm, wait and see....

Guess tomorrow there will be a even stronger 2nd tsunami wave coming......Buddha, Allah, Siva, Jesus, please save us......sighhhhh

Monday, March 26, 2007

D-Day Aftermath

itunes: 玉置浩二, Present (2006)

My FD called me first thing in the morning and asked me why I wanted to resign. I repeated the same reason that I told my boss and he refused to accept it at all. He started to probe further if I have any other hidden reasons. As much as he tried to dig further, I maintained that I resign because I felt that I'm not suitable for the shipping industry. I told him this is a good time to go since most of the shit is cleared and the audit is over. He claimed that how can it be a good time when there are still a lot of outstandings for me to clear. He kept emphasising that I will get them into big trouble but he never mentioned what was that. Wait wait, think about it, when they planned and transferred someone from France to station here, learn the ropes from the local commerical manager and then retrenched the local guy, how come they never consider is a big trouble for the commerical manager? I was thinking, when I tendered my resignation, that's your problem not mine anymore. Anyway, I cant think of any big outstanding items when most of the big things are cleared. So, what is he trying to say then?

Knowing that he cant convince me to withdraw my resignation, he moved on and told me how can I just resign and go when the company have spent time and money on me, like (I will always remember what he has listed) they paid me salary much higher than the industry, the recruitment fee incurred to get me in, the airtickets and accomodation paid when he was in town.....I just cant believe my ears and this really pissed me off. That's sound threatening to me, with that, I simply told him: "Let's be fair, I did put in my effort in my work as well." That shut him up totally. I dun wan to comment on the salary part as this is subjective but sure mine is not above the industry. Secondly, they let my predecessor messed up the accounts all these years and under the pressure from the new parent office, they have no choice but to create a new position that I'm in to do clearing up, so the recruitment fee is part of this exercise. Even they dun employed me, they will get someone else too. Finally, it is his responsibilities to oversee my work so it is inevitable to pay visits to Singapore office every now and then. So all these costs incurred because of me??? Pure ridiculous!! I just cant believe my own ears that he said such things. That's really petty. So that's implied that my efforts and contributions meant nothing at all, what is the point of clearing the mess for 10 months and now with such comments from him, all has gone down the drain.

He even warned me that even though I tendered my resignation, that does not mean I can stop doing what I'm suppose to accomplish. He said he will use the conditions in my employment contract if I defied to do anything from now on. Haha what a joke....what can he do to me? fire me or not paying my salary? Come on, let's face it, you cant stop me from leaving. Guess what his final words are? He reminded me to send him things that are due today. Sigh, I guess all they concern is just the outstanding things and nothing else. Sad is not it?

The moment I hang up my phone, the phone is my boss rang and within a moment, my boss came over and invite me to go to his room. Closing the door behind me, my boss adopted a different strategy, a 180 degree change in his attitude last Friday. He thinks that I sounded emotional when I tendered last Friday and now he wanted me to reconsider. He even suggested convincingly, since I'm already here for a while and since most of the things are cleared (hmm I tot there are still some more?), why not stay back until end of this year, clean up and do a complete closure for him. I can hand over the accounts to the new merged company and at the same time, trained one of the staff to take over my work since he has no intention to employ anyone if I really leave. So, by end of this year, he will not stop me from leaving if I still think I'm not suitable to this industry. I stared at him, said nothing and he went to admit that of cos this is much to his interests. In my heart, I said to myself, FUCK YOU, you only care for yourself. So the real picture is out, as much as I guess so, my position is not secured at all. Since he is not going to employ anyone if I leave, so even if I'm staying on or did not resign in the first place, I will be gone by year end when I helped him through this transition period. Why should I? You bloody liar! You painted such a beautiful picture to everyone on the merger and now all full of contradictions!!!

Well well, he can stage his own show and I will just played along. Out of respect, I agreed to think it over for another a few days. The answer will still be NO NO NO....over my dead body. Now I have seen the true faces of you bloody selfish French. I see thru you assholes, you started threatening me first, when this cant work, you take the soft approach. Both of you only concern in covering your own ass and merely need someone to clean up the mess you have ignored all this while. Well, you concerned of your future with this bloody company, and I have the right to concern of my future out of this bloody company!!! I'm so fed up with the mess and I'm now calling it QUIT!!!

Friday, March 23, 2007


itunes: 松田聖子, Seaside~Summer Tales~ (1997)

I went down to my new co to sign the appointment letter during lunch time today. At last, I feel settled and secured after days of uncertainty. I'm glad that the HR and my new boss is understanding and patient enough to take time and pains to clear my doubts on this role. I really do appreciate that very much. Well, at least a good start for me and I certainty hope that I can be the best fit to this role. Below is my queries and and their replies:

Hi, I could not answer most of the qns so got XXX to help. Hope you do not mind. Anyway, XXX is very open with his staff so don't worry about him forming any bad impression just because you ask so many qns. Hope you will come sign your letter soon.

1)Given the lean finance structure of this division, what is the relationship between this role and the shared services function of the group? In short, what are the accounting functions that have been outsourced?

The accounting functions that has been outsourced to our HQ Finance are the Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable.

2)What is the job scope of the assistant to this role? What is the qualification of this assistant?

The assistant has a diploma in LCCI,the purpose of this assistant is to support the incumbent accountant. Currently she is clearing all invoices from vendors and sending verified invoices to shared services for billing.

3)I would like to know more about the job scope, besides what have been disclosed in the advertisement, what other responsibilities and duties are expected of this role? I understand that there is a need to make trips to the satellite sites, what kind of duties are to be performed there?

The job scope of the incumbent is almost like a mini CFO. He advices the GM on new projects based on his financial analysis and core competence in accounting. He ensures that the monthly P/L statements are ready and provides a brief analysis on its variance. It is expected that it will take sometime to understand the nature of the business to enable the incumbent to provide a meaningful analysis. The trips to the satellites is to perform impress checks on the cashiers and to source out any financial irregularities at the front. The incumbent could also look for improvements in the cashiering system. In fact the CFO is one of the important limbs of the GM.

4)The requirements of this role involved advising the management on finance and business strategies as well as financial planning and analysis. I would like to know more about role in this aspect. As mentioned before, I would like to clarify the fact that I do not have sufficient experience in these areas (like business proposals or feasibility studies). Nonetheless, I'm prepared to take up the challenge.

It is good that you acknowledges your area of weakness. This shows your sincerity and openness. The accountant is not required to write business proposals, these are done by our marketing team. However, as a member of senior management, the accountant will be involved in strategic planning meetings and should be able to acquire essential knowledge in skills in the businesses.

5) I would like to know the management style of XXX. I'm concerned with the fact that during our last meetup when he mentioned that the higher the salary the incumbent joined the organisation the more demanding he will be to the person. I'm grateful that you are able to match to my expected salary, however, will this affect the management style of XXX?

My management style is open, frank and honest approach. Knowing that the organisation is only as good as the people in it. Once employed and empowered, I do not micro-management. I believe in flexibility and balancing socials with work. I dislike people who has no integrity. Honesty pays, even if a mistake is made. I was the one who recommended the salary as I think you deserve this amount based on your experience and track record. To me this is not alot neither it is too little. This is a demanding job, like all other jobs in the industry. Those who persevered and are committed to value add will find great satisfaction. Those who just look for money or position but not willing to perform will not make it far in any organisation. My track record has proven that I have groomed several Dy Directors and senior staff in the group and beyond.

6) What is the salary ceiling of the grade of the position offered? $5693

On the way to the new co, I did having second thought of backing out. The environment and prospect of the current office may not be good but I have a group of good supporting assistants and a group of great lunch buddies. Lousy bosses may make your day bad but good colleagues make your day feel better. Nevertheless, I still feel that it's time for me to move on, since the new co offers better career pro$pect$ and new learning opportunities. It was until I saw the benefits listed on the appointment letter, I know I have made the right choice. Imagine having an annual leave of 24 days!! First time in my own life having such entitlements!! Going down the list, I cant help but to agree, by giving good benefits, it really put employees at ease and work better because they know that they have been well taken care of. To avoid suspicion of those busybodies in my office, I have requested the HR to have my appointment letter, staff manual and other documents to be mailed to my home address instead. Smart move right? hehe

I reached my office around 2.30pm and from then until I tendered my resignation at 6.30pm, this few hours were like centuries to me. I dun feel like doing it during office hours and I hate busybody colleagues coming one after another, pretending to show concern and asked why I want to resign. I wanted a good weekend ahead, anything more to say or discuss, why not wait till next Monday?

My boss was shocked to hear of my intention (of cos, it's the second bomb that exploded this week). He totally disagreed with the fact that this is a good time for me to move on since the audit and the major issues were near completion. He insisted that there were still alot of things for me to do. To me, he merely concerned with the unfinished work and nothing else. I told him that I'm not suitable for the shipping industry and he rebuked that the time I spent in this office is not long enough to have such a judgement. I simply told him the third month when I joined, I already knew that I do not like this industry but I'm giving myself more time to access the situation. This is when my boss kept quiet. Hehe then he moved on to the point that he recognised the fact of the messy accounts I have taken over and the pressure of clearing the mess. What pissed me most is he went on to comment that I should be able to take more stress. Well, that's not the point cos stress and pressure are not the reason of my resignation. I just smiled and keep the comments to myself. I just cant believe how petty my boss can be when he turned sour and said well he still need me to help him for the time being (sure sign of sour) and reminded me not to forget to generate the AR aging report for the meeting next Wednesday. This is an insult to my professionalism! As long as I'm still in service to the company, I still put in my best efforts. To end, he told me that he will refer back to the recruitment agency who gotten me this job, he believe that I may have obligations with them since I decided to resign within less than a year. What kind of nonsense is that? Is this a threat or wat? Well, the agency told me then if resign within the probation, they will have to get another candidate for my boss for free, no obligation over my side hehe.

To me, as a good superior, one should give blessings to those who decide to move on and pursue their interests elsewhere and not behave in a petty manner. No one owns you a living unless they are slave to you. This is a free world and everyone has the rights to come and go. There may be some form of disruption but in the real business world, no one is indispensible. I would want to do a good job to complete what I'm suppose to do and hand over to the next person well, with such an undesirable attitude from my boss, is it really worth being professional? That's really need some a CPA, I have to be professional, but maybe I will just fulfill 70% of what is required of me. Perhaps, I may have to thank him too, when in face of such an attitude, it really helps me to move on easier without much hesitation.

Finally the worst is over. Before I left the office, I send out the email that I have drafted to my FD in HK, out of courtesy. I have requested my last day to be on 18th April and hopefully have 2 days rest before starting my new challenge on 23rd April. Like I spoke to another good colleague who tendered on Monday this week, let's hope that our remaining days will be smooth and easy. It seems that for those who resigned, my boss somehow written off them. We are the first two and we are pretty sure within our good lunch buddies, there will be more coming.....

As for the uncertain future ahead, I only can hope for and do the best....

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Good Natured "Suicide Bomber"

itunes: Cynthia M, Bistro Blue (2005)

Take a look at the lady in the picture. She always hang around near the Bras Basah Road junction every weekday evening and on weekends too; asking every passerby to give her $2 in perfect English. I refused to give all the time because I saw her, despite of messy hair and shabby clothings, wearing a nice funky yellow Adidas sneakers before. I guess she is not a professional beggar, maybe just nuts in the head only. I even heard that she took her morning shower at the Ladies in Millenia Walk.

See what's lies beneath her tummy? It's her pouch. My colleagues and I always joke that she looks like a suicide bomber, with a bomb hidden under her dress, ready to blow the hell out of everyone on the street, hahaha.

I guess she is just a harmless lady, who will move away once you reject her requests. I remembered there was one incident I saw when she approach a lady who was on the phone, walking. Haha she scared the lady so much that she fell to her knees, dropped her phone and shrieked as if a cockcroach crawled over her haha, oh what a scene what a scene haha. Damn freaking funny....To my surprise, she even tried to help the poor lady up to her feet, but that ungrateful hen shooed her away shamelessly....sigh! I really feel like stepping forward and give her a two tight slap (to the ungrateful hen of cos!).

Imagine this, she may be nuts and look like suicide bomber, but she has a good heart indeed.....but still I will not give her $2, given the fact that I cant get over with her yellow adidas sneakers. Hee

New Job.....New Hope

itunes: The Carpenters, Love Songs (1998)

It has been nearly 1 month since I last blogged. Nothing happens in particular, just work, clear shit, sending out job applications and go for job interviews. Yes! The day has come, I received a job offer on Thursday night 8.07pm (must not forget this joyous moment!). Indeed what a pleasant surprise! I have been waiting a week for them to schedule me for a second interview with the Director of Finance by Tuesday if I'm selected. However, when I did not hear from them by Thursday, I presume this job is gone. Never I expected them to call and offer me the position without having to go for the second interview!! And they even agreed to pay what I asked for ie $500 more than what I'm getting now!! Now I can beat the GST increment and inflation....Gee....leaping lizard...:O)

Anyway I have not accepted the job yet as I have a few more queries on the job itself. The HR manager has yet to respond to me. Nevertheless, I'm quite set in accepting it for the following reasons (unless something difficult happens):
1) An opportunity to learn and understand SAP. This will definitely add value to my career.
2) No more accounting job scope. I should have moved on doing higher level work. This job mainly due with reporting and business analysis, which is good!
3) This company is a hugh conglomerate. It has been my dream to join a huge company, where it can provide possible career advancement opportunities within the organisation. year, new job and new hope.
I certainly hope this will be the one that I can stay for the next 3 - 5 years.