Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lovely Belated Birthday Present!! Many Thanks!

itunes: 森山直太朗, 新たなる香辛料を求めて (2005)

Initially, this block of words is written into the previous blog. But during the time of posting, I think such a pleasant event should be kept separated from the bad things HAHA.

Last evening, I was at small gathering in a friend’s place, for snacks and refreshments and then adjourned to have chicken rice dinner along East Coast Road. I like this kind of small meetup, no need to dress up and no stress for time. Most importantly, GOSSIPS! I mean human beings are curious animals, so being curious is definitely an instinctive kind of act, no shame about it. Gossips are also one kind of catching up, not only sharing the latest updates each others’ life but also sharing the 'news' of those who are not present (usually not invited haha). We are doing it out of concern for friends, is not it great? By the way, I had a belated birthday surprise from Mr & Mrs Teh (, thank you guys for this lovely book!

Where is my pay, bitch???!!!!

itunes: The Avalanches, Since I Left You (2001)

I’m really fed up with this damn job.

The beloved mother of the Chairman of our outsourced company, passed away peaceful last Sunday and the funeral was scheduled to be on Thursday. By Wednesday afternoon 3pm, I received an email informing us that their office will be closed the next day due to the funeral. What? How can they close the office just like that? What about our operations? We pay you hundreds over thousands management fee yearly to you for the outsourced service and you just closed the office like this? What about my month end deadline? Hello, it’s only your Chairman’s mum passed away and not the mothers of the whole company’s staff!!! What fuck nonsense is this? Even when the whole management (comprises of the Chairman’s sons, daughters and sons-in-laws) is not around, there is no reason to close the office particularly this is the busiest week of the month. Does family business run this way? The reason of the office closure is out of respect for the deceased. Come on, does the dead woman know? Or even if she knows, does she really care? All I know is everyone's work in my office are affected. My 4 accounts girls were most delighted to take this off day, even when we are at present trying to be current with our work. Of cos, I cant blame them for the granted off day. But this is the frustration of my work, I simply have no say and controls on my assistants just because they are from the outsourced company.

But this is not the worst, it’s the payroll. Till today the staffs of the 2 offices have not been paid for this month’s salary. The reason is simple. Apparently, the payroll is done by the wife (daughter of the Chairman) of the Finance Director of the outsourced company and she appeared only once a month just to distribute pay cheques to us. Yes, at this modern electronic age, we are still getting cheques instead crediting into our bank account electronically. On Wednesday, we suspected that we will not be getting our pay this week. Simple reason, her grandmother’s funeral is on Thursday so she may be too grieve to do payroll anytime before Thursday. Since Thursday was the big day, when she will be at the crematorium, this is self explanatory. However, whether this woman will turn up on Friday is debatable. But one school of thought was that, she will most probably not turn up because the family needs to collect the bone remains from the crematorium. True enough, she was no where to be seen even after lunch on Friday. I was told of her bitchiness on how she rebuked when someone highlighted that pay cheques were late previously. She said that it’s a benefit to all staff when she gives pay cheques early and she is no wrong as long as she does it before the last day of the month. Again, what fuck nonsense is this? I sure tell her off if she passed this remark again. Look bitch, if you paid us on 26th last month and this month on 31st, you are late because it’s more than 30 days. Get it? U dumb wit asshole! Do you have the sensitivity and regard to those staff who needs money urgently particular end of the month? Everyone’s financial planning is based on the date of payroll and it is so wrong that everyone’s plan is upset just because of your unpredictable and untimely payroll date? Don't forget you are giving out cheques and all of us need to bank in the cheques and wait minimum 2 days in order for the cheques to clear and the money safely sit in our bank account. So what the fuck are you talking about? How dare you say you are not late? I slit your throat and crack your thick dumb skull into two! You maybe rich that do not undermine the fact that there are some who needs money urgently to pay bills at the end of the month. The most unforgiving thing is the death of your grandmother is not a reason for the delay in your work, when you only have 1 task to do every month. The world simply dun revolves around you and your family.

The irony is the Finance Director's 50th birthday falls on Friday and one old brown-nosing staff managed to force every staff in their company to contribute a share in the gift to him. Hello, no pay given and yet still has to fork out money to buy him a gift? If I were them, I'm not going to give out a single cent at all. NOT EVEN A NICKEL, asshole! Your grandmother-in-law's funeral just over and there you are celebrating your birthday in the office???!!! Oh yeah, I almost forgot that respect to the dead has been given by declaring off day. What a hypocrite act indeed! Where is your bloody wife? She should be in office to do our payroll!

Where’s my money? FUCKING HELL, BITCH! I must strike back, I’m going suggest that the payroll to be paid on a fixed date every month. GOD DAMN YOU!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


itunes: 庾澄慶,戒不掉 (2006)




Saturday, July 22, 2006

22nd July 1971, My happy birthday....

itunes: Mandalay, Instinct (2000)

In the first second of my 35th birthday, best wishes...

عيد ميلاد سعيد
Bon anniversaire
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
सालगिरह की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें
Buon compleanno
Felix dies natalis, Felix sit natalis dies
Selamat hari jadi
С днем рождения
¡felíz cumpleaños!

and pictures of my young memories...

The 3 months old me

Slightly older, 7 months old me

Another picture of 7 months old me

Well, at this time of my life, it's just another birthday that comes and goes year after year. Time really flies after one reaches 21st birthday and it reaches the speed of light when you hit your 30th. I may be at the peak capacity of living my life to the fullest right now, but at the same time, I tend to get worry about my old age, given the fact that I'm already nearly half way through my life span. Sometimes I would ask myself, how would my world appear be in the final second of my life? How would it feel to grasp my last breath? Nope nope, I should not be discussing such dark matters, particularly on the day which I should be celebrating the joy of being alive instead. I'm a person who like the bright side of life and at the same time, not ignoring the dark aspects of life. Despite that, I should be happy and contented that my life so far has been smooth sailing. Yup, life goes on and all I have to is, be happy, be hopeful, be contented and be kind. My birthday wishes for this year (which are similar to the previous birthdays in my 30s) will be i ask for best of health (and to all my beloved ones too), best of fortune and luck in everything I do and finally, green and peace on earth. Happy birthday! :O)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

许美静, 要加油!您一定会加油!


读到许美静精神出了问题被捕的新闻,令我感到不安。毕竟,她一直以来是我喜欢的歌手,好多年不曾听到她的消息,突然发生了这事件,多少会让人惋惜。记得2000的下半年,那时我还在淘儿音乐 (Tower Records)上班。一个午后,一位同事跑来跟我说许美静正在爵士部翻CD。我兴奋地就往那儿走去,可是怎么看都找不到她。过后同事提醒我说,要留意最不起眼的那位就是她了。果然,她穿着一件看似旧的连身裙子,带了一副老式的大黑框眼镜,头戴着一顶鸭舌帽,若不仔细的瞧,她犹如一位擦身而过的路人。我冲动不顾一切地从CD 架,找到她 “遗憾”的CD,战战兢兢地走到她面前,打了一声招呼。她对被我认出似乎有点措手不及。我请她在CD 给我签的名,并向她解释,虽然那时她已发行了第6 张唱片“静电”,可是在我心里,“遗憾” 和“都是夜归人”永远是我的最爱,超棒!倘若能加上她的签名,那就成经典了。她客气地微笑,就地给我签了名。顿时,我是世界上最幸福的人,心里的澎湃和激动是如此的强烈,真的死而无憾了。我从她手中接过了CD,和她握握了手,对她说一定要加油,我期待她下一张作品。她点点头、微笑、坚定地口气说,“对!要加油!我一定会加油!”那时,她刚环球解约,何时有下一张还是一个未知。就这样一晃6年了,而“静电”却成了她的告别作。

许美静独特中低嗓音,不温不火的唱腔有一种震慑众人的魅力,唱出一种细腻动人的情感,比别的歌手多了一份温暖。她标志了我的生命中一段难忘的岁月,给我如老朋友般的温暖慰籍。不论再嘈杂的环境,只要有了她的作品,一切似乎都可以cool down 下来,听着唱着并不知不觉红了眼眶。


很多人都说许美静接下来的作品似乎跳不出前作的框框。可是在这速食文化的世界,有谁还会仔细的聆听呢?许美静的音乐其实是一直在改变,可是步伐却是安静和缓慢的,慢的需要人的耐性才能体会出来。从“快乐无罪”的 space rock 到“静电”的 electronica,她却能把这些冰冷的音乐元素温暖化,无与伦比。


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Incorrigible Fanatic

itunes: Martina Topley Bird, Quixotic (2003)

On Thursday, a casual lunch conversation blew out of proportion into a heated argument. Of cos, I’m the prime culprit who started the discussion of the ‘sensitive’ issue. I do not mean to stir up any unpleasant emotions among colleagues, but I guess there are times we should have the rights to speak our mind. Ironically, the subject matter has nothing to do with neither work nor office politics, but on government issues, amazing right?

It started when I was commenting on the newspaper Today’s columnist Mr. Brown’s issue. Apparently, he was dropped by the papers after an article he wrote on the raising living cost in Singapore was published. (Visit Mr Brown’s website for more info: This leads to a full rebuttal of my IT manager, who volunteers in PAP branch office (despite the fact that we constantly consider him to be a PAP member, yet he still maintained that his volunteering is not politically motivated, which is totally bullshit to me) started to defend the raising cost issues by saying that how cost efficient Singapore public systems are, compared to the rest of the world and he just go on and on. Knowing him getting out of point, I pulled him back by throwing him these few questions:

1) If Singapore systems are truly cost efficient, how come our public transportations, medical, utilities expenses are going up?

2) Does it mean by privatising these public services, is there a possible shift from social responsibilities to mere shareholder responsibilities? Or should I say that the main reason for our government to privatise these entities is a move to be cost efficient since it does not have to run services themselves? So how does the government going to explain the fact that companies like SMRT and SBS Transits, which are making millions of profits every year, even though we have some controlling councils set up to govern and monitor these prices? It does not make any sense at all.

3) I’m fine with what he argues with an idea that due to the increasing world fuel prices, the operating costs of these entities are definitely going up too. But now the question is, with the current profitability of these entities, they are rich enough to help the public to filter this burden and not by raising the prices just in order to maintain their profitability, am I right? So it still falls back to my No.2 question, is privatization brings about more shareholder responsibilities than social responsibilities, since the obligation to more social responsibilities (if government runs them itself) has been diluted?

4) Maybe we forget about raising fuel prices for the time being, so what about medical bills then? I totally agree with Sylvia Lim of Workers’ Party when she suggested during the election rally, GST should be removed from the medical bills to beat the raising medical costs. Let’s look at the bills we paid when we visits the GP for common ailments. If neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Thailand can provide cheaper medicine than Singapore, then why we are paying more to GP nowadays? I dun feel that my GP’s services to me have improved tremendously so that’s left only 1 reason. The living cost standards in Singapore are high.

5) He argued on the point that the government has setup subsidies to help the poor to ease the high cost burden. I dun deny of such good acts but the point here is does it benefit the majority of the population? I would not think so (see * below). A good subsidy should be beneficial to the majority.

(*I did a small research on question No.5 when writing this blog. The press release from the Department of Statistics, shows that the median household income for 2005 is $3,830 which means that the majority of the population in Singapore belongs to the middle income group. If you refer to chart A5 and assume that the middle income populations stay in HDB 4 and 5 rooms, this constituted 59.4% of the 2005 population. The groups that have the highest chances of getting subsides are those staying in HDB 1, 2 and 3 rooms and they constituted to 25.1% of the 2005 population. So based on my question No.5 above, does the subsidies helped the majority? The answer is obvious NO.)

The 1 hour lunch has indeed turned sour and because of all these questions that I poised, he was speechless, turned agitated and raised his voice, eventually ignoring us altogether for the rest of the week. I heard that that evening, he passed a book on social services to one of us, telling him how much our government has done for us in social service. Looks like he is still very much out of point, we are talking about social responsibilities and not social services.
It seems what most interest him is not to argue what we have highlighted but all out to defend PAP aimlessly. This is blind faith I would say.

Personally, I was disgusted by his immature actions. He should listen with an open mind, hopefully able to explain (if he could) or simply put forward that to his higher leaders. After all, these are the voices from the common people and should be drowned by his defensive mode. Also, as much as his constant emphasis to us that he does not get a single cent or benefit by volunteering in PAP, there is one thing he ought to know as well: as much as our company is paying for his services, he should refrain from spending most of his office hours working on his VOLUNTEER matters. It’s a shame indeed.

Something to ponder: I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the vitim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. - Elie Wiesel, winner of 1986 Nobel Prize in Peace.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Farewell Hong Kong

itunes: 中森明菜, 歌姫III~終幕 (2003)

After 2 days of training, I'm finally made my way back home yesterday morning. I would say it was fruitful trip. Apart from the boring training sessions, I met up friends that I have not seen for a while, 2 mornings of HK dim sum breakfast (Eddy, thanks for waking up so early just to meet me for dim sum at 7am, I know it's hard on you, given the fact that you worked till midnight everyday. I'm grateful! It's a pity that I do not have a chance to eat my favourite steamed pork ribs with fermented beans. Anyway, I still prefer the dim sum of the resturant near your office, too bad no chance to go this time!) Also, in total I bought 5 cds from both Kowloon SINO centre and HMV near my hotel, hehe. My primary school buddy, CL happened to fly out HK for business trip in Vietnam and since his flight is also around the same time as mine, we agreed to meet at the airport express train station at 7am so that we can catch up a bit. Really good to see him again and it's always feel so comfortable chatting with him. He is soft spoken and slow yet firm in his speech, just like listening to an old physicist professor HAHA. Guess he is pretty settling well in HK with his wife, Tiffany and he reckoned he will not be considering of relocating back to Singapore anytime at all. It's sad to hear this but I'm happy for him cos he looks so contented when he told me about his new life in HK. CL, I wish you and Tiffany the very best, take good care and I hope to see little CL soon haha!!
0645hrs, Airport Express train station. 10 minutes taxi ride from my hotel, Excelsior Hotel. Here, the passengers can check in their luggage before taking a 30 minutes train ride (HK$100) to the airport.
0830hrs, HK International Airport. The airbus plane that I will be flying home. Last picture before I off my mobile phone for boarding. Farewell HK, a vibrant city which does not sleep. I shall return.

No More Sakae Sushi This meal costs S$8.30??!!!

itunes: 辛島美登里, melting ~心の橋、涙のかけら~ (2002)

This is the quick lunch that I had in Changi Airport before I took the flight on Monday, 3rd July. Guess how much is this lunch? S$8.30! Daylight robbery and the sushi SUCKS big time. I was famished, there was only a sandwich bar other than Sakae Sushi and I dun wan to have sandwich. That also reminds me of the sushi lunch that I had at Sakae Sushi Citylink a few weeks ago. Gosh, the food took ages to be served and the sashimi is not fresh at all and still have the check to charge premium for it, damn! I willl not patronise Sakae Sushi never ever again.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hello Hong Kong

itunes: music from the speakers above me

I'm in Changi Airport right now, waiting to catch the flight to HK at 4pm. Since I have still have some time to spare, might as well blog a bit hehe.

Today's time schedule was packed. I left the office around 12.45pm after much delay from my lousy IT manager who could not get me to access my emails from an external source. Thereafter, I rushed down with my luggage and laptop and hailed a cab to Winsland House I for a job interview at 1pm. Gosh, I arrived on time and the interview has been pleasant. The HR manager was shocked to see me arriving with my luggage. She reassure me that the company is good as they do not have politics at all. How can it be? Even if you chop my head off, I dun believe it at all!! Haha Anyway, the second interview has been secured to be this coming Friday and I dun think I'm keen with this job. It's SME.....not that kind of organisation that I'm going for.

I left the office around 2pm and waited 15 mins for a cab to bring me to the airport. Damn it, guess what the driver said after I went up? He said he was not intending to pick me up to the airport cos he has some errands to run in half an hours' time. But he was praying that even I'm with my luggage, I may not be going to the airport. Haha sorry, he is in bad luck today. I'm indeed going to the airport! I just keep quiet and he nagged about it almost half of the journey. Haha. Too bad, that's what I said to myself.

Ok the timer on my screen is ticking fast....4mins left. I better end this blog and proceed to the waiting lounge. Ciao......hope I have a pleasant journey with Cathay Pacific! Muacksssssss.......

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Beautiful Sunday Morning

itunes: The Cardigan, Life (1995)

In life, besides sour and bitterness, there are still many things that I consider them as little bliss. Most of us have long taken granted of them, but as much as how ordinary these small good things can be, they keep me going well and happy in life. One of them is the morning bus ride every Sunday morning....

0729hrs, the morning stillness of the bustling chaotic traffic and not much of pollutants.
0732hrs, the bus arrived. I love to take TIBS bus as there is no noisy TV Mobile monitor onboard. The morning service is usually sparsely filled and I have the luxury to choose a good seat. Just a cool, comfy and quiet journey....that's life.

0739hrs, the busy wet market
0754hrs, the beautiful reservoir

0759hrs, that's the bus I just took. Ciao! See ya next Sunday, same time..
0815hrs, the morning pool...a refreshing dip! Water everywhere, I just love water!

0924hrs, game time! Just my pair of Adidas tennis shoes & me in the morning I shall serve and smash like Roger Federer, haha.
1046hrs, brunch time! A nice plate of vegetarian bee hoon with rich soya bean drink to complete this beautiful morning...thereafter, my monday blues will step in......urrrughhh!