Sunday, September 30, 2007

CHEERs to 陈绮贞的Piece of Summer

itunes: 陳綺貞, 花的姿態演唱會經典實錄 (2007)

好一场非同凡响的摇滚音乐盛会。没有特别的来宾,没有多余的客气,没有不必要的话语,只有六个人在舞台上玩着音乐的游戏,没有华丽的编曲,只有Acoustic guitar,Electric guitar,Electric Piano,Accordian和Drums原音重现的火花。这就是陈绮贞(Cheer Chen)A Piece of Summer 2007 演唱会。感动了舞动挥着汗水的乐迷,感动了陈绮贞。4次Encores后,会场的灯都亮了,人群纷纷离场的当儿,仍然还有好多人意犹未尽死忠地呼喊着“Encore!”结果出人意表的,陈绮贞与吉他手小虎重现舞台上,简单唱出第5次Encore的最后一首歌“微凉的你”。临别前,陈绮贞说了这一段话;“请接受我今晚所有毫无保留的奉献,谢谢。”深深一鞠躬,挥再见。我感受到了。这一幕让我感动了一整晚,激动兴奋地难以入眠。这是有史以来我出席最真诚的演唱会。陈绮贞真实的旋律,带着纯真赤子的心地歌唱,我的思绪呼吸被她的精神牵动,紧紧扣在一起。这种被音乐感动的快乐是永远无法在CD里找到的。

陈绮贞(Cheer Chen)A Piece of Summer 2007 巡迴演唱会电视CF、平面广告:

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Live 幾乎已經成為陳綺貞的代名詞了
這個幾乎不上電視節目 不炒新聞

也X乎愛上 那一個傾心融於綺貞音樂中的自己
2005年陳綺貞花的姿態演唱會 門票在三天之內銷售一空

在那個夜晚 在綺貞的LIVE 相信你會得到解答

2007年 這個夏天演唱會是陳綺貞給你的一個片段希望

a piece of summer
a piece of you


P.S. 纪录演唱会里的点点滴滴,

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

No Music No Life 09/2007

itunes: 徳永英明, Vocalist 3 (2007)

The list of CDs that I have bought this month:

Joni Mitchell, Mingus (1979)
With this CD, I have completed Joni Mitchell's two decade discography. She can be one of the most influential female artist, uncompromising and fiercely independent in her music, fusing her deep folk style with other genres like jazz and world music. Her new album, Shine surface this month after 2003's Travelogue which she claimed her last recorded work. Really looking forward to it...

James Blunt, Back To Bedlam (2004)
I know this is a great album (from the empteen times listening to it at recording station in the CD shops) but somehow I did not intend to buy it at a full price. I got this used copy on yahoo auction at half the price. Haha it's never too late to own a piece of good music.

小田和正, K.Oda (1986)
Debut solo album of the frontman of the 70s Japanese rock band, Off Course. His recent years albums are good, so I'm going back to sample his older solo works.

徳永英明, Vocalist 3 (2007)
This is one of my most anticipated album this month. The final instalment of this vocalist series, which remakes the hit songs of many female artists' popular songs. In this album, he did one of Amuro Namie (安室奈美恵)'s earlier hit "Can You Celebrate?" and Imai Miki (今井美樹)'s big hit "Pride". What makes these 3 albums appealing is the simplistic arrangement which he produced and sang, a big departure from the originals and breath a new life in these old hits.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Haunting of Comfort

itunes: Poe, Haunted (2000)

Philip sent me this sms this morning: "Ok I ask with trepidation, but how's ur drv lesson 2day?"

How is my driving lesson today? That's a very good question but I cant answer that cos I didnt turn up and it's going to cost me S$68. Seriously speaking, it rained heavily this morning, the weather is so cooling and I have no desire to put a single foot out of the house at all. What a good time to chill out, reading the papers, updating the blog and not forgetting, to sulk as well.

Yes sulk. I'm getting disheartened with these lessons and I do not know why I'm paying to demoralise my confidence in learning abilities. So today I should take a break and re-think my predicament. Strictly speaking, judging the fact that I'm able to start, move and manoeuver the wheels by the 2nd lesson, mastering the 'art' of clutch and changing gears by the 4th, it shows at least I'm not a slow learner, with the fact I'm able to apply the engine brake as well. I have yet to perfect the skill of coordination of the clutch and the accelerator during changing gear and moving off. Sad to say, according to the feedback given, I was labelled as a slow learner because I have lessons only once a week. What a joke, my toes are not amused at all.

It's a real dog-eat-dog world outside the circuit. Everything on the road is hazardous to me. I cursed the lane cutting taxi, truck drivers, especially the hellish bikers, I damned the pedestrians who dashed across the road, I sweared at the endless number of red traffic lights. Worst of all, the torment of the non-stop nagging instructor right at my left ear. At the height of the plague, my impatience and agitation will step in place of my sanity and I simply wish I can knock down a few careless pedestrians, send a few bikers flying to the walkway, ram into a couple of taxis and trucks, slash and stab the drivers, hack down traffic light posts with a crowbar, and eventually take out one of my shoe and stuff it into the instructor's mouth. Hmmm this should be able to ease some of my wrath and frustrations. I think I'm not cut out to be a good driver, realising I tend to lose patience easily and hopefully not turning out to be a road bully someday.

Since driving it's all about judgement and feel after mastering the basics, I dun understand why am I being commented just because I cant gauge how much to turn that bloody steering wheel when going round the bend or how early to down gear when approaching a red traffic light. Technically speaking, exactly how much to swivel and how early to down gear is sufficient, these silly instructors can never give me a good direct answer. If this is so, DUN EVER JUDGE ME AS A SLOW LEARNER. If I'm really that good, you think I will give you a free spin, you can f-off, really.

Put it this way, if I'm really that bad, why not just leave me in the circuit until I'm better off in gauging and judging before moving out to the main roads? I have repeatedly requested to stay in the circuit for more lessons to get familiarise with the technique, but yet I'm still out at the roads. It's like throwing someone who just learnt to swim into sea and expect him to swim back to the shore? This is simply crazy. Fine, one may say, once you are thrown into the sea, you will learn to stay afloat and learn faster. I agree wholeheartedly and notwithstanding this is not an attitude problem, I'm willing to accept criticisms and improve myself even though I'm paying to learn but please exercise patience and dun criticise me unconstructively.

Take for example, we were on a straight road after crossing the traffic light and in accordance to the so called safe driving instruction, I should slowly up gear to the 4th but from far, I saw this bloody old lady standing on the road divider and again according to the safe driving instruction, I should be slowing down because she may just dash across the road. This is when the instructor commented that I'm slow in changing gear. I told him off straight, there is someone on the road divider and I have to slow down, is not it? He kept quiet. This is what I mean by uncontructively criticism.

Another classic example, we were turning at the green light junction and at the adjacent crossing, there were 2 slow moving pedestrians, taking their own sweet time to cross the road (if I have a whip, I will sure get out of the car, whip them to gallop faster, damn hell!). Since it will be sometime before they complete crossing, the instructor asked me to inch forward and if the crossing is clear, just moved off. I did likewise and thereafter, he reminded me that I should not do it because pedrestrians have the right of way. FUCK YOU! I cursed you in my heart, you were the one who asked me to move off and now you got the cheek to turn around and remind me that this is a wrong doing????!!!! What kind of fucking logic is that? Your mismanagement does not constitute to my inefficiency get it? Asshole.

I just dun understand why do these brainless instructors come with motorised naggin mouth. Come on, I mastered the theory as well as you do and if I'm able to relate to you the reasons of every mistake I made, honestly speaking, I dun really need anymore reminders, excessive of it, it will just filter out of my ears. I'm already very tensed up at the driver seat and do not wish any more catalysts to spice up my panicky tension. Learning is all about making mistakes and not about endless nagging. Evenutally, my ears become numb and my brain will eventually go into standby mode after an hour of tedious driving. I dunno why am I behaving like this? I really want to know if I'm really cut out to be a driver. What pisses me most is if the dumbest among my friends can get a driving licence, why cant I? That's the reason why I refused to give up or simply switch to learn an auto gear car.

Sigh I dunno what have I gotten myself into. Comfort Driving Centre? My ass. Instead since I find comfort in moving around by BMW and why am I cheap enough to spent money to get my intelligence and abilities insulted. By the way, BMW stands for Bus, MRT, Walk. :OP

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Heavenly Wife Cakes

itunes: Alana Davis, Surrender Dorothy (2005)

I'm not a fan of wife cakes but I'm willing to make exception for this one by Heng Heung Cake Shop (恆香老餅家) from HK. It's the best wife cake that I ever tasted. My mum is also another fan. Unlike the common chinese pantries, the winter melon and almond paste of this confectionary is aromatic and yet surprisingly not sweet at all. The paste just melt in your mouth with every bite. Heaven....Yum Yum.

In fact, Heng Heung used to have road show at Great World City here in Singapore every 3 - 6 months but the prices sold here is almost doubled if I get them in HK. Unfortunately, they are not here this year. Even in HK, this cake shop only has a few branches, I only know there is one at Kowloon Mongkok, near SINO centre where I can fish out tons and tons of cheap cds whenever I go HK. It's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone haha

Thanks to Eddy, who never failed to bring some for me from HK whenever he is here for a visit. Really appreciate that.