Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar New Year

itunes: Roberta Flack, Softly With These Songs (1993)

Today is the last day of the Lunar New Year. Two weeks of celebration just come and go at a brink of an eye. At this modern time, by the 3rd day, most of us are back at work despite the festive mood is still linger on.

Talking about the traditional house visiting. I have not been following my parents for relatives visitation since I was a teenager. I always find it a chore and bloody waste of time. But in the recent years, I did have a change of mindset which I do not even know why. Still, I find it a chore and time consuming. I have in fact volunteered to go with my surprised parents. Guess I'm more mature now and should be doing what I ought to do, paying respects to the elders.

Well well well, same old questions will still be asked by the seniors whose memory still fixed on the last impression which I was still a school boy then. Yes, I have questions asking me when am I virture of such a happy occasion, I shall forgive all for this time lag error. For those who are less senile, the pressing question will be when am I getting married since I'm getting 'not young' anymore. Over the years my answers to this difficult question has slowly evolved tremendously so much so that some smart elders have stopped asking it altogether. You see, Charles Dawin's theory applies here, life will find it way out. HAHAHA. All I need to say is "next year!"

However, recent years' visitation has made me realise that that my uncles and aunts have aged more each time I see them, let alone my parents. I was sitting at a quiet corner, observing their conversation, to think how much they adore me when I was a kid. On the other hand, there is another group of younger cousins chatting merrily some whom I dun even remember their names after all these years. Guess I have lost in time space so long that I recognise no one and no one knows me when I re-appeared. Particularly this year, it really pained me when I saw my second aunt, looking frail and suffering from the pain of arthritis, and at that instant I realise I love and respect them as much as I love my parents. After all, they still adore me the same old way. They are always there for their nephew, it just that I slip away the past years, it's really a shame indeed.

As one age, one learns to treasure more as time is running out.....
I'm back to catch up with the time lost cos I dun wan to have regrets in life.


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