Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Childhood Nostalgia

itunes: Whitney Houston, The Greatest Hits (2000)

I realised something recently.
When one start recalling and feeling nostalgic about the past more and more frequently, it's a sign of aging. Looks like no matter how much anti-aging cosmetics that can be splashed onto a face, there is still no substance meant for the anti-aging for the heart and mind. Even though when some optimists may reckon age is just a number, one still cant beat the biological aging right?

Therefore, the logic is why spent money on anti-aging beauty products? Just age graciously, that's the most beautiful of all, is not it? Just look at Audrey Hepburn and Robert Redford. Tsk tsk this blog is out of point now.....hehe

This is heartwarming. I found this old school 70s -80s playground at Dover this morning. Never expect to see this anymore after most of the playground has been upgraded by plastic ones in the early 2000s.

As a kid, I loved to sit on the arches, as if I'm already on top of the world.

The sandy compound. I always remembered once I found a dead bird under the tree, and I brought it to the sand and buried it. A few days later, out of curiosity, I went back to the site and unearth the bird, saw muggots crawling on its body. I never went back to the same site anymore. How silly! haha I guess as a child, there is no such thing called fear, just only curiosity. There is no way I'm going to touch any dead animals now.

The swing. One of my favourite childhood outdoor toy.

In those days, the swing is made of iron chain and a cut tyre.

The only 2 items that absent here were the concrete slides and the metal merry-go-round. That will be my perfect childhood nostalgia.


Blogger One Wheel said...

I missed the good old wooden planks swing and the see-saw, dunno if still can be found in parts of Singapore.


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