Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Day I Met Honey

itunes: 森山直太朗, 新たなる香辛料を求めて (2004)

I was working in the office this morning and my colleague brought his dog into the office after he brought her for a morning swim at the seaside. His precious dog is called Honey.

I cant resist playing with her. So friendly that she kept licking my palm and face, hahaha. So docile that she simply laid by his master side while he worked, occasionally rose her head whenever someone walked past his cubicle but never ran around and barked in the office.

My colleague was sharing with me, once he and his wife went for a 3 days short trip and they left Honey with their couple friends whom she met every weekend. Since that day they left the trip, Honey never slept and kept close to the door. When they returned to pick her up, they were shocked to see her with dark eye rings. She slept soundly in the car on the way home. What a beautiful loving lady!! Perhaps I should get a similar one for myself too. But to think of the commitments and the pain of death parting, I better think twice.


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