Saturday, August 04, 2007

No Music No Life 07/2007

itunes: Star, 張惠妹 (2007)

Finally, I can really sit down and spend some time to update my blog. It has been hellish for the past 2 weeks, internal auditors was here and all my routine work has been stalled just to entertain them, practically got to work late almost every night just to complete those urgent and pressing ones. That leaves very little time to complete reading my Harry Potter book cos I dozed off whenever I read a couple of the pages every night. Anyway, I make sure I finish reading the whole book last night so that I can update my blog today.

Anyway, this short list of CDs that I have bought in July 2007 (goodness gracious, no bust of CD budget in July), hmm come to think of it, this is the lowest number of CDs I have bought in a month in years:

Rosemary Clooney, Forever Girl Singer 1928 - 2002 (2007)
I have eyeing this vocalist for a while but never had a chance to sample her songs until recently when i chanced upon it at a listening station in Gramophone CD shop. I just love her voice: clear, pure voice that rich filled with warmth and sincerity.

Joni Mitchell, Taming The Tiger (1998)
Gramphone CD shop has a storewide 20% discount for Citibank credit card holder and I seized this opportunity to add this into my Joni Mitchell's discography collection. Currently, I just need one more ie "Mingus" to complete the collection.

中森明菜, 艶華-Enka-
My favourite Japanese female vocalist is back with her latest re-make album, this time, she covers the famous enka songs in Japan. The re-make is refreshing because the person behind the arrangements is one of my favourite producer in Japan. Akira Senju has not only retained the original ethnic flavour of these enka songs yet injected an additional contemporary feel, which I believe able to attract the younger audience to appreciate of the beauty of enka songs. I'm truly facsinated by her new image. Really amazing.....This price of this CD has taken up 50% of my July CD budget given the ever-strong Yen currency exchange rates.

Chara, Caramel Milk The Best Of (2000)
I always believe the best introductory way to know an artist is to get a copy of his/her best of album and listen. This is what I'm doing now. I have been very curious about this Japanese singer songwriter, Chara's sound. That's why I bought it at US$5.00 from Ebay. I really like her songs but the vocal is abit too kiddy and whiney hehe but that's the trademark of most Japanese female artists anyway hehe


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