Friday, April 20, 2007

My Farewell Today

itunes: Illumination, This is Illumination (2002)

Now the time is 6am as I'm blogging this. Woke up half an hour ago, cant go back to sleep, so I decide to on the computer and blog. Today is my last day with my current company. The feeling is mixed, I'm feeling happy and eager to leave and yet at the same time feeling uncertain but excited of what lies ahead in my new job. Sounds contradicting right? haha well, it's human nature to contradict anyway.

The handing over this week has been smooth and I should be able to wrap everything up by today. My replacement is a gracious nice French lady, Nathalie, finance but not accounts trained, who is on a project basis until end of this year when the merger completes. She will be in charged solely on the reporting and the accounts can leave to the girls. If the girls are able to function operatonally on their own, she may leave before year end. That's what my boss told her. As much as I want to influence her that the job scope goes beyond reporting, I know once I'm gone, most of my work will go to the girls. Nevertheless, I see this is a good opportunity for the girls to learn to work more independently and once they understand and able to manage a full set of accounts, they can move on too. Hope they can take this positively.

All right, got to head to the shower. Need to go into the office early to clear some of the last few outstandings. I really hope today will not be an emotional farewell.....


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