Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Meal Box for Wednesday 30 Aug 06

itunes: Chantal Kreviazuk, Colours Moving And Still (1996)

Today passed rather smooth but troubled. The shit mountain at work definitely spread far and wide. Last week, I have to go back and reworked 2004 numbers and this week? My assistant informed me that she discovered problems dated back to 1999! Looks like this mountain is colossial!! My heart sank and I told her that we shall keep this KIV until we have resolved other more pressing issues. Sigh....just my luck!!

This morning, I stepped into my boss' room and told him of my intention to change an extremely manual payment tracking process practised by our outsourced company to excel spreadsheet tracking . He seems pleased with my suggestion but the result was really unexpected. He declined due to the fact that he has been persuading them to computerise the process empteen times but unsuccessful. In my mind I was thinking, what is the use of paying the outsourced company a few hundred thousands of management fees when they are not willing to improve their work efficiency? And who is the boss here? It's us, not them and I feel that if my boss willing to exert his authority more, I'm sure he can make those fossilised people there modernised. What a weaking! Damn. Worst of all, my boss suggested perhaps we can keep the manual and at the same time set up the excel spreadsheet. Gosh, what kind of nonsense is that? I told my boss upfront that this is extra work for everybody. Subsequently, thanks to the brillant idea of my colleague, my boss finally agreed to the second purpose. Yeah, dun think this is over. Tomorrow I need to go over to the operation director (outsourced company) and discussed with him so that he can inform his staff.

My meal box for tomorrow.
I have replaced carrots with celery, high in fibre and good for maintaining a healthy blood pressure. In fact, after a week on Alfalfa, I'm having quite a mild diarrhoea which is a good thing, it helps detoxification process by flushing out the unwanted substances that stuck in my body. I feel good! The leaves of the alfalfa plant are rich in minerals and nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and carotene (useful against both heart disease and cancer). Leaf tablets are also rich in protein, vitamins E and K. The leaves of this remarkable legume contain eight essential amino acids. Alfalfa is a good laxative and a natural diuretic. It is useful in the treatment of urinary tract infections, and kidney, bladder and prostrate disorders. Alkalizes and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. Promotes pituitary gland function and contains an anti-fungus agent. Most importantly, it goes very well with my 12-grain bread!

The main course for lunch will be sweet potato. Please dun regard sweet potato as starchy as potatoes. Nutritionally, sweet potatoes, which ranks highest in nutritional value, are an excellent source of vitamin A and a good source of potassium and vitamin C, B6, riboflavin, copper, pantothetic acid and folic acid. A complex carbohydrate food source, it provides beta carotene which may be a factor in reducing the risk of certain cancers. Good is not it?


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